Olin C. Bailey Library

Journals by Subject - Computer

African Studies | Anthropology | Art | Biology | Chemistry | Computer | Economics/Business | Education | English | Environmental Studies | Foreign Language | Gender Studies | General | Geography | History | International Relations | Kinesiology | Law | Library | Mathematics | Medicine/Health | Music | Philosophy | Physics | Politics | Psychology | Religion | Science | Sociology | Theatre 

Journals by Title 


ACM Computing Surveys
Current two years on shelf.

v. 17 - 40, 1997 - 2004

microfiche: v. 5 - 23, 1980 - 1998

Computing Surveys
see: ACM Computing Surveys

Computing Teacher
v. 10 - 22, 1982 - 1995
becomes: Learning and Leading with Technology

Creative Computing
microfiche: v. 1 - 11, 1974 - 1985

Journal of Chemical Documentation
online: v. 1 - 14, 1961 - 1974
becomes: Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences

Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences
online: v. 15 - 44, 1975 - 2004
formerly: Journal of Chemical Documentation
becomes: Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
online: v. 45 - , 2005 -
formerly: Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences

Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery
v. 44 - , 1997 -

Learning and Leading with Technology
v. 22 - , 1995 -

Mac World
Current two years on shelf.

Popular Computing
microfiche: v. 1 - 5, 1981 - 1985

Siam Journal on Computing
v. 26 - , 1997 -

Siam Review
v. 20 - , 1978 -

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Last Modified on 7/14/2011