Academic Affairs
SoRelle, Mallory E. and Delphia Shanks. 2023. "The policy acknowledgement gap: Explaining (mis)perceptions of government social program use." Policy Studies Journal . 0(00):1-25. DOI: 10.1111/psj.12513
Shanks, Delphia and Mallory E.SoRelle. 2021. "The paradox of policy advocacy: philanthropic foundations, public interest groups, and second-order policy feedback effects." Interest Groups & Advocacy. DOI: 10.1057/s41309-021-00120-5
Recipient of 2022 Grant Jordan & Burdett Loomis Best Article Award
Shanks-Booth, Delphia and Suzanne Mettler. 2019. "The Paradox of the Earned Income Tax Credit: Appreciating Benefits but not Their Source." Policy Studies Journal . DOI: 10.1111/psj.12305
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