- Elementary Spanish Courses
SPAN 110 Fundamentals of Spanish I
An intensive language course which teaches the basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing the language. This course also includes relevant cultural material.
SPAN 120 Fundamentals of Spanish II
Continues the development of the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This course also serves as a brief introduction to the study of culture and literature.
- Intermediate Spanish Courses
SPAN 210 Conversation and Composition
This course further develops language skills and introduces students to textual analysis and literary composition.
SPAN 220 Advanced Grammar & Composition
A study of advanced grammar and syntax. Open to students who have completed the basic sequence, this course further develops knowledge of grammar and writing skills.
SPAN 320 Survey Spanish Literature since 1800
An overview of Spanish literature from the Romantic movement of the early l9th century to contemporary works.
Span 348: Graphic Narratives
in Conversation
Using the study of comic and graphic narratives as a medium, this course focuses on the student’s ability to express themselves orally through in-depth conversations, discussions, and presentations. This course is designed to strengthen the student’s capacities to comprehend spoken Spanish and to express themselves in Spanish. The graphic narratives that this course explores are contemporary works written by Spanish authors such as Ana Penyas, Paco Roca, Raquel Riba Rossy, Ana Oncina, and Pere Ortín & Nzé Esono
SPAN 370 Love in Modern Short Story
In this course we read contemporary peninsular short stories that deal with love in its various forms, including familial love, romance, sexual and erotic relationships. We examine previously ignored topics in Spanish literature including domestic violence, fetishism and the use of new technologies in personal relationships. Special attention is paid to issues of gender when reading authors such as Lucia Etxebarria, Espido Freire and Jasone Osoro. Some Spanish translations from Galician and Basque-other official languages of Spain-are also treated.
SPAN 380 Cervantes
In this class students read a selection of Cervantes' most famous novellas, or what we now call short stories. Because Cervantes was considered the father of the modern European novel, we also read some extracts of his renowned novel Don Quixote, as well as one his plays. In order to understand Cervantes and his time we explore the history and society of the Spanish Golden Age.
SPAN 405 Queer Literature in Spain
This course explores peninsular Spanish literary production of topics related to queer and gay during the 20th and 21st centuries in Spain. Objectives include acquisition of broad knowledge about LGBTQ works and authors, recognition of the diversity in style and topics of this literary production, and an understanding of the evolution of Spanish gay literature from the early 20th century to the present. Genres treated include novels, essays, poetry and short stories.
SPAN 471 Twilight of the Spanish Empire
A study of 19th century literary and cultural movement in Spain (enlightenment, Romanticism, Realism, and Modernity). The course will focus on: the analysis of literary techniques and structures presented in the canonical works of the 19th century; the study of connecting links between plays, poetry, essays, novels and short stories; the exploration of historical, social and cultural ideas, attitudes, sensibilities and points of view that can be exemplified through the readings.
SPAN 488 Echoes of the Spanish Civil War
This course studies the Spanish Civil War using films and texts set during this period. We study not only what happened in Spain from 1936-1939, but also the circumstances that led to the war and the long-term consequences of this conflict. Historical information from before, during and after the war as well as the ideologies of both sides as expressed in songs, anthems and propaganda are examined. Cross-Listed as Literature in translation.
SPAN M41 (Oxford Style Tutorial) Lesbian Literature in Contemporary Spain
This course focuses on contemporary (20th & 21st century) lesbian literature in Spain. Through several articles that analyze lesbian literature and how it emerged, students learn about historical and societal facts that have been critical to the creation of a safe space for lesbian literature to flourish in Spain. Readings include canonical novels, collections of poems, and a short story, all written by five acclaimed authors crucial to the literary subgenre of lesbian literature. These readings inform students of how lesbian literature blossomed free from censorship after Franco's dictatorship. This course is in English and the readings are done in translation.
Tutorial courses, based on an instructional model developed at Oxford University in Oxford, England, feature weekly meetings where two to four students and a faculty member engage deeply in readings, discussion of student papers, or intensive translation work. Tutorials have long been considered the paragon of undergraduate instruction, promoting close relationships between faculty and students, intensive focus on texts (both reading and writing), and oral communication.