Academic Affairs

Wenjia Liu, Ph.D.

2024.03.26 Wenjia Liu-667x1000

Wenjia Liu, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Chinese

Chair, Department of Languages

Chair, Interdisciplinary Minors

She/Her/Hers Fausett Hall 204-4 (501)505-1589

Academic Background

  • B.A., Fudan University, 2003
  • M.A., University of Oregon, 2006
  • Ph.D., University of Oregon, 2010

Courses offered

    • All levels of Chinese language courses
    • Chinese literature courses including Chinese Martial Arts Literature and Film, Gods Demons and the Supernatural
    • Asian Studies courses including Asia through Role Play, East Asian Popular Cultures

Research Interests

    • Cultural Study, especially popular cultures
    • Gender Study
    • Late imperial Chinese novels, especially female authored tanci novels
    • Chinese novels in Republican Era

Recent Publications

    • Forthcoming (中国社会科学出版社 China Social Sciences Press, 2019): translation from English to Chinese-Lawrence Grossberg, We All Want to Change the World: The Paradox of the U.S. Left, A Polemic . Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, 2015.
    • "姜德华和她的影子:《笔生花》中女性对婚姻的抗拒"("Jiang Dehua and Her Shadows: Girls' Resistance to Marriage in Flowers Growing from Writing Brushes ") in 晋中学院学报 (Journal of Jinzhong University), 2017, 34 (4): 100-102.
    • "Virtuous Wives and Shrews in Feng Shuangfei : Empowering Female Characters through a Revision of Stereotypes", in Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture , 2016, 3(1): 57-84.
    • "The Dawn of 'Free Love': The Negotiation of Women's Roles in Heterosexual Relationships in Tanci Feng shuang fei " in Frontiers of Literary Studies in China , 2015, 9(1): 73-101.
    • "Lover-Sister: Female Same-sex Desire and Women's Agency in Feng shuangfei " in Intersection: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific , 35, "Women Who Refuse to Marry, Polygyny, Extended Families and Other Anomalies: Alternative Gendered Vision of Intimacy, Love, Family and Community in Asia and the Pacific," July, 2014.


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