Academic Affairs

Tyrone Jaeger, Ph.D.

Jaeger, Ty - headshot 2020

Tyrone Jaeger, Ph.D.

Professor of English-Creative Writing

Chair, Department of English


Tyrone Jaeger teaches courses on creative nonfiction, fiction, hybrid literature, and digital storytelling. He is the author of the recent novel Radio Eldorado (Braddock Avenue Books, 2020), the story collection So Many True Believers and the cross-genre novella The Runaway Note . His writing has appeared in such journals as the Oxford American , Southern Humanities Review , High Desert Journal, and The Literary Review . Jaeger is the recipient of the Porter Fund Literary Prize, an Arkansas Arts Council Individual Artist Grant in Novel Writing, the Theodore Christian Hoepfner Award, and the Frank O'Connor Award for Short Fiction. He frequently collaborates with the Hendrix-Murphy Foundation on reading series and symposia and programs events that bring award-winning authors from around the world to campus.  Jaeger currently holds a Margaret Berry Hutton Odyssey Professorship with Maxine Payne called "Audiovisual Arkansas: Citizen Storytellers." Born and raised in the Catskill Mountains, Tyrone lives on Beaverfork Lake, Arkansas, with his wife and daughter.

Academic Background

  • B.A., Rollins College, 1990
  • M.A., University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 2004
  • Ph.D., University of Nebraska–Lincoln, 2008

2018 Porter Fund Literary Prize Awarded to Tyrone Jaeger

Hendrix English professor joins list of distinguished Arkansas-connected authors

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