Jessica Crane
Arguably the most influential construct in history is the
book, and the most important developmental marker in any society is the
creation of a written word. The ability to write, to contain that writing in a
portable and lasting form, and to preserve that form and its contents allow for
the continuation of history and the transmission of ideas through time. We as a
society are on the brink of a “New Technological Age.” Books themselves which
are “simultaneously a written text, a material object, and a cultural
transaction” according to Leslie Howsam, could very well be on the brink of
extinction. The sweeping monopoly of the internet on the transmission of ideas
and information is gaining momentum and ground has been lost for publishers,
magazines, and newspapers that may soon become obsolete. Technology is not just
changing the methods of communication, but the way in which we communicate as
well. The language of convenience and programming is infecting our words and
how we choose to portray our ideas; in this way texting has done us a great
The idea of literacy since its rise in the Middle Ages has
become a method of standardization and a mark of what and who can be considered
civilized, educated, and therefore an acceptable member of society. Yet as M.T.
Clanchy reminds us, “literacy in itself is primarily a technology. It has
different effects according to circumstances and is not a civilizing force in itself.”
The development of the written word, books, and subsequently the printing press
had effects on society just as the development of the internet, the kindle, and
cells phones have now. The parallels between the two ages, in the development
of books and the development of the internet are significant, yet just as a
growing reliance on the written word helped to extinguish the traditions of
oral histories and trust in spoken language, the advance of electronic
technology threatens our appreciation and reliance on books. As such there is a
growing need to protect and care for these objects that symbolize, articulate
and physically embody the past.
This need is what motivates me to create an
interdisciplinary major focusing on the restoration and conservation of books
and documents, specializing in the medieval and Renaissance periods. My love of
books manifested in an accompanying love of history and the progress of ideas.
There is no direct path to the future I have chosen. This area of study is not well
plotted in the United States and there are many overlapping fields involved.
While studies in book culture are on the rise, programs dealing with
restoration or conservation are dwindling and the skills needed are seldom approached
before a master's level, and usually only taught through internships. This has
left me in an awkward position and spurred my decision to attend Hendrix. My
solution has been to consult several experts in the field, and based on their
recommendations build a degree suited to carry me into the Master's level of
study. Therefore this degree plan hinges on several key elements; my decision
to focus on the medieval and Renaissance time periods, the acquisition of
hand-skills that are invaluable to dealing with fragile objects, and an ability
to think critically. The structure and core of my classes are built upon the
historical period I have chosen to specialize in with the intent of gaining
knowledge about that specific period of time. Latin is an invaluable tool to
allow for translation of a wide variety of texts, as well as a gateway into
other languages. I have taken every opportunity, and will continue to develop
and utilize every advantage in the pursuit of the hand-skills necessary for the
field. Finally I have chosen classes that require an ability to analyze text,
and the implementation of ideas, such as Historiography and Literary Theory.
The degree plan I have outlined is a carefully created tool allowing me to gain
the skills necessary to obtain a craft master's in restoration, yet also providing
me with a historical understanding and ability to analyze that allows me to
distinguish myself not only in my chosen field, but also in reference to a
chosen time period.
Beyond the classes I have outlined I have already made great
strides in advancing my interests. I have completed an odyssey which allowed me
to create contacts, gain information, and become more knowledgeable in the care
of ancient documents. I have diligently pursued several study abroad
opportunities in order to experience other cultures and ways of life, helping me
to develop the ability to recognize my own cultural lens. I have also applied
for Hendrix in Italy in the hopes of learning a new language. I have pursued
this path beyond the classes I have listed in my degree plan. I have structured
my experiences and my life toward the completion of this goal.
The capstone of my degree plan will be in two parts. The
first will be HIST 480 senior capstone experience, in which I will develop and
present a paper focusing on a specific historical text allowing me to
demonstrate my grasp of history, the analysis of ideas within a text, as well as
my utilization of Latin. Secondly I will supplement this with a creation of a
bookbinding portfolio that will demonstrate the hand-skills I have gained proficiency
in. The capstone grade will be determined through an average of the grade for
the portfolio created during an independent study with Professor Melissa Gill
and the grade for HIST 480. I believe that the combination of these areas of
study in compliment with history will provide me with the best possible
approach to graduate programs and my future career in the conservation of the
past, and the objects it is contained within.
- LATI 210 Readings
in Latin
- HIST 317 Crusades
and Contact
- HIST 318 Magic
and Witchcraft in Europe
- HIST 300 Historiography
- HIST 480 Senior
Capstone Seminar
- ENGL 243 Gothic
- ENGL 280 Literary
- ENGL 300 or 400-level course on medieval or
early modern literature
- ANTH 200 Buried
Cities and Lost Tribes
- Independent Study with Professor Gill
- Maymester with Craig Jensen
See the original document.