Academic Affairs

Watson News & Upcoming Events

On-Campus Deadline Is September 30
As-good-as-you-can-get drafts of your personal statement and proposal are due midnight the night of Monday, September 30.  Please email them to Britt Anne Murphy, and she'll set up a 15-minute interview between you and the Honors Committee for the following week. 

Two Hendrix Watson Candidates Awarded Watsons!
Lauren Seckington and Marcia Williams were awarded Watson Fellowships on March 15, 2024, two of 35 Watson Fellows awarded.  Their projects and abstracts are below, with more about Lauren and Maria's journeys here.

  • Lauren Seckington
    Seeking Peace Through Interfaith Dialogue in Pluralist Societies:  Singapore, Japan, Ireland, Australia, South Africa

    Interfaith organizations acknowledge the deep roots of religion in the world while seeking to build, preserve, and maintain peace in diverse societies. What are interfaith organizations doing now to work towards these goals? How do perceptions of harmony differ across cultures? How can globalization promote or threaten peaceful plurality? Collaborating with interfaith workers, religious leaders, and members of pluralist communities will deepen my understandings of peace and harmony and prepare me for a future of interfaith advocacy.

  • Marcia Williams
    Cultivating Connections: Community Gardens as Ecotherapy:  Rwanda, Sweden, Germany, Japan, Mexico

    Community gardens can be defined as the growing, processing, and distribution of plants through cultivation in and around cities. The eco-therapeutic properties associated with community gardens contribute to an increase in mental and physical wellbeing. Community gardens are meticulously placed in spaces such as hospitals, schools, and prisons, and have significant influence on low-income people, people with existing mental and physical health conditions, and other marginalized groups. On a Watson, I will visit Rwanda, Sweden, Germany, Japan, and Mexico to explore the how communal gardens provide social, psychological, and economic benefits to their surrounding communities.

Watson Award Increases
The Watson award has increased $4,000 to be $40,000 ($50,000 for those traveling with a dependent).

Watson Fellowship Team
If you haven't joined the Watson Team, now's the time!  Email Watson Liaison Britt Anne Murphy to be added to the Watson Team, or join by using this code from the search box on Teams:  1k5xz5q.

Hendrix Watson Fellowship Home Page


Last Modified on 9/19/2024