Collegiate Center Committees
Each of the following committees or individuals is responsible for its respective part of the Collegiate Center. Responsibilities include initiating curricular design, advising Academic Affairs in annual course offerings, designing and implementing faculty development projects, and proposing curricular changes to the Committee on Curriculum.
The Engaged Citizen: Jellenik, Krebs, McClung, Pfau (chair)
Explorations: Sanders and Seme (chair)
Learning Domains and [Quantitative Skills Capacity]: Committee on Curriculum (chair, Ferrer)
Writing Capacity:
W1: English Department (McKim, chair)
W2: Camfield, Maupin (chair), tba
Foreign Language Capacity: Languages Department (chair, Jellenik)
Physical Activity Capacity: Physical Activity Coordinator (McCracken J)
Quantitative Skills Capacity: Haden-Chomphosy, Seme, Spayde, Zorwick
Special Programs
W.C. Buthman Endowed Visiting Scholar and Lectureship Program
Faculty Coordinator: Sprunger
Hendrix-Murphy Foundation Programs in Literature and Language
Officers of the Foundation: President (Tsutsui); Vice President (Bonebright); Secretary/Treasurer (Siebenmorgen)
Board of Directors: President of the College (Tsutsui); Lineal Descendant of Bertie Wilson Murphy (Martha Wilson Murphy); Spouse of Lineal Descendant of Bertie Wilson Murphy (Suzanne Murphy); Chair of the College Board of Trustees (Albert Braunfisch); Chair of the College Investments Committee (Roger King), and Murphy Scholars Representative (non-voting, Elizabeth Evans)
Program Review Committee: Executive Vice President and Provost (Bonebright); Lineal Descendant of Bertie Wilson Murphy (Martha Wilson Murphy); Spouse of Lineal Descendant of Bertie Wilson Murphy (Suzanne Murphy); Foundation Director (Coulter); Faculty Representative (Duina); and Murphy Scholars Representative (non-voting, Eliabeth Evans)
Finance Committee: The Chair of the Hendrix College Investments Committee (Roger King); Secretary/Treasurer of the Foundation (Siebenmorgen); and the two Murphy family members serving on the Foundation Board of Directors (Martha Wilson Murphy and Suzanne Murphy)
Steel Center
Membership of the Steel Center Board includes Ablondi, Campolo, Whitney, Dow (chair), Bonebright, Falls-Corbitt, Gorvine, Sanders, Schmidt, and Williamson.
Faculty Programs Support Committees
Faculty Parliamentarian: Whelan
Fulbright Scholars Faculty Liaison: Sprunger
NCAA and SAA Faculty Representative: Camfield
International Student English Evaluation and Placement Committee: McKim, Stockwell (chair), and Vernon
Marshals of the College: Peszka (marshal), Miller (assistant marshal), and Moran (assistant marshal). The College Marshals direct academic processions and seating at all convocations and Commencement.
Research Integrity and Safety:
- Research Integrity Officer: Wright
- Human Subjects Review Board: Bergfeld, W. Gunderson, Kennedy (co-chair), Schwartzkopf (co-chair), Skok, and Zorwick [
Human Subjects Review Board Policy]
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee: Caro (Chemistry), S. Lom (Sociology-UCA), Moore (Career Services),M Lombardi DVM , Moran (Biology, chair), and Taylor (Psychology) [
Animal Welfare Policy]
- Academic Chemical Safety and Biosafety Officers: Bradley (Campus Chemical Compliance Director, chair), Custer (Biology), Desrochers (Chemistry), Smith (Theatre Arts), Payne (Art), and Steward (Physics)
Travel Advisory Committee: Contreras-Silva, Gess (chair), and LeBlanc