- Blake Armstrong: Four Unforgettable Mathematicians
- Laura Brandebura: Introduction to Wavelets and Multiresolution Analysis
- Martin Eckles: Compiler Construction
- Shiloh Harder: Bond Lattices
- Jeff Johnston: Three-dimensional Volumetric Modeling of Ophiomorpha Using Two-dimensional Surfaces
- Brian Raines: Inverse Limits and Link-Expansive Chains
- Shane Wanamaker: Counting Systems of Distinct Representatives
- David Warren: Partitions and Their Young's Lattices
Four Unforgettable Mathematicians
Blake Armstrong
Advisor: Ze'ev Barel
Brief Description of Paper:
Despite being held back by society and their families, female mathematicians did contribute a great deal to the did contribute a great deal to the development of mathematics. Hypatia (c. 370-415), Maria Agnesi (1718-1799), Sophie Germain (1776-1831), and Sophia Kovalevskaya (1850-1891) were four such contributors. We will discuss the biographies of these four women and highlight the mathematical accomplishments for which each is most recognized.
--Blake Armstrong
Introduction to Wavelets and Multiresolution Analysis
Laura Brandebura
Advisor: Dwayne Collins
Brief Description of Paper:
The paper presents an analysis of signals as functions in L^2(R) by means of orthonormal bases for L^2(R) via multiresolution analysis.
--Laura Brandebura
Laura is currently studying meteorology at the University of Oklahoma.
Compiler Construction
Martin Eckles
Advisor: Ali Kooshesh
Brief Description of Paper:
Compilers translate input programs from one programming language to another. The construction of a compiler is a complicated task. This paper deals with some of the theoretical and implementational issues in writing a compiler.
--Martin Eckles
Bond Lattices
Shiloh Harder
Advisor: David Sutherland
Brief Description of Paper:
In this paper, we characterize the bond lattices for several specific classes of graphs. Then we describe the graph automorphisms for each type of bond lattice.
-- Shiloh Harder
Three-dimensional Volumetric Modeling of Ophiomorpha Using Two-dimensional Surfaces
Jeff Johnston
Advisor: Lars Seme
Brief Description of Paper:
In the study of extinct burrowing animals, often the only remaining record is their fossilized burrows. A mathematical model is developed trows. A mathematical model is developed to take two-dimensional data of fossilized Ophiomorpha burrows to create a three-dimensional representation of the burrow network. Using this model, we can better study the extent of the burrow network without having to scrape and document a large volume of work.
--Jeff Johnston
Jeff is currently studying biology and mathematics at Emory University.
Inverse Limits and Link-Expansive Chains
Brian Raines
Advisor: Dwayne Collins
Brief Description of Paper:
A sufficient condition for two maps, f and g, on [0,1] to generate homeomorphic inverse limits will be presented.
--Brian Raines
Brian is currently studying mathematics at the University of Missouri-Rolla.
Counting Systems of Distinct Representatives
Shane Wanamaker
Advisor: Dwayne Collins
Brief Description of Paper:
This talk introduces methods of counting the number of possible SDR's under certain restrictions.
-- Shane Wanamaker
Partitions and Their Young's Lattices
David Warren
Advisor: David Sutherland
Brief Description of Paper:
In this paper, I extended previous work in partitions and two dimensional lattices to include partitions with representative three-dimensional lattices. The paper also looks at conjugate lattices and the relationship between them.
--David Warren