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Using Social Media in Your Job Search

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Fortunately, my previous job allowed me to experiment and learn the many ways in which a number of social mediums are used for personal, professional and business purposes. So, I decided to put these tools to the test.

My first step was to update my resume and my personal web site. These would serve as the foundation for all information about me. But, much more essential to networking, I needed to update my LinkedIn profile with relevant information and recommendations from former colleagues, and join the Sodexo Careers – Past, Present & Future networking group. Having done some quick searches, I found that key Sodexo people had profiles on LinkedIn – and I wanted them to be able to find my profile, too.

To read more of Trish's story, click here!

Posted by Rainey Gibson at 08/03/2010 01:41:30 PM | 

There is no doubt that social networking on the internet is a great way to make business contacts. It can work against you though it you’re not careful. Remember to go out to Facebook, MySpace or any other personal social networking sites and remove strong political or religious statements from your public profile.
You may want to go as far as to take out listings of certain groups or associations you belong to, if visible on your public profile. If you were an employer wouldn’t you be curious to see what applicants have in their profiles, to get to know them better? If you found something on their profile that you found offensive, would you really be able to “forget” it? Someone may try to remain objective, but often discrimination is unconscious.
Posted by: Sally ( Email | Visit ) at 8/22/2010 2:18 AM

As a Newbie, I am at all times looking out online for articles that may assist me get further ahead.
Thanks for sharing such a nice article.
Posted by: Saudi ( Email | Visit ) at 9/16/2010 9:03 PM

After read this post I can say social media is very useful way to find new job in today's high cost living. Nice Post.
Posted by: Legal Jobs ( Email | Visit ) at 9/28/2010 11:26 AM

The internet is with a doubt growing into the most important medium of communication across the globe and its due to sites like this that ideas are spreading so quickly.
Posted by: Jobs ( Email | Visit ) at 10/5/2010 11:30 AM

Thanks for the useful information‚ I really like it and think it is a good info for job search.
Posted by: Manager Job ( Email | Visit ) at 2/18/2011 10:07 AM

No doubt, social media plays an important role in job search and in some means, they are more effective than several job search sites for example twitter, face book, I also have various opportunity through these sites. Thank you so much to inform people about it, your post will let the pay attention people who use social media just for entertainment
Posted by: Alexavier Simpson ( Email | Visit ) at 3/9/2011 9:19 AM

Thanks for the wonderful post and sharing with us about social media marketing.
Posted by: John Wolf ( Email | Visit ) at 3/9/2011 12:41 PM

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