What are course reserves?
Materials such as books or photocopied articles are placed on reserve by faculty for students to check out for short periods of time. These materials are kept behind the circulation desk in the rotunda. Some course reserves, electronic reserves, are available online and can be accessed through the online catalog.
How can I search for course reserves?
You can search for reserves materials, including electronic reserves, by course name or professor through the online catalog. If an item has been taken from one of the other collections to be placed on reserve, the online catalog record will reflect the location as "Bailey Library Reserves."
How do I check out course reserves?
In order to check out print reserves materials, you need to know your professor's name, the author, and the title of the work. Present this information, as well as your Hendrix ID, to a staff member at the circulation desk. Fines ARE charged for overdue reserve items at the rate of 50 cents per hour.
How do I place items on reserve?
Fill out a reserves request form and bring your materials to Amy DeVooght, Circulation Manager, who works behind the circulation desk. Please allow two weeks for processing. Contact Amy DeVooght at 450-1303 with any questions about reserves.
Are funds available to purchase and place on reserve textbooks for my class?
Yes, through the Guthrie Fund and the library. If you're concerned about your students' ability to access course materials, please fill out a request to purchase textbooks using our online form, and the Guthrie Fund Committee and library will coordinate a response. Contact Lori Mulhearn
for more information. Funds may also be available to students on an individual basis. Direct students to Chris Simon in Student Accounts, or if they are First Gen or Aspire students, direct them to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.