Faculty Handbook 2017-2018

I.1. Job Description and Compensation

Job Description for Department and Program Chairs

On the advice of the Provost, the President appoints department and program chairs annually.  The Provost consults with the Area Chairs and all departmental faculty members before recommending chair appointments.  The usual term of service is three years.

The department and program chairs play a leadership role for their respective departments or programs.  The tasks of a department or program chair include the following. (Some of these duties may be delegated to others.  Listed items are not rank-ordered in importance.)

Educational Duties—integrating departmental functions into the educational process:

  • coordinates the curriculum, course schedule, advising, and advanced placement within the department or program;
  • chairs regular departmental or program advisory committee meetings;
  • oversees the administration and grading of capstone experiences and comprehensive examinations;
  • coordinates the selection of persons for departmental honors (such as prizes or graduation with distinction);
  • coordinates student career placement and graduate school and professional school applications; 
  • oversees departmental acquisitions for the library; and
  • keeps in contact with various off-campus constituents for student referral and general off-campus activities.

Administrative Duties—integrating departmental functions within the College structures:

  • prepares and submits departmental or program operating and capital budget requests and controls expenditures;
  • prepares inventory, orders supplies, and oversees the acquisition and maintenance of equipment for the department or program;
  • coordinates the applications for and management of external grants in support of the department or program;
  • participates in the scheduled evaluations of departmental or program faculty members;
  • coordinates departmental or program self-evaluations and assessment of student learning;
  • chairs searches for new departmental or program faculty members and support staff and coordinates their orientation;
  • supervises adjunct faculty members, support staff, and work-study students;
  • communicates and interprets departmental or program requirements and policies to other parts of the College, prospective students, off-campus groups, and other constituencies;
  • confers with the Office of Institutional Advancement and Planning regarding gifts to the College designated for the department or program;
  • maintains departmental or program records (such as course enrollments, graduate profiles, or web pages); and
  • fulfills other responsibilities as assigned by the Area Chair, the Provost, or President.

Compensation for Department and Program Chairs

Department chairs receive an annual stipend based on the number of faculty lines in the department.  In departments with three or fewer faculty lines, the chair stipend is $1000.  In departments with four to seven faculty lines, the chair stipend is $1500.  In departments with eight or more faculty lines, the chair stipend is $2000.

Program chairs receive an annual stipend of $1000.