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The subject is...Internships

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Here is a great new resource for internship information, One Day, One Internship.  This site provides daily internship research, links, and very helpful information.  you can sign-up for updates or just peruse their archives.  Excellent resource.

Looking for a Gaming internship? Freshly posted yesterday: From the Game Career Guide- Intern to Hire

Always carefully explore internship opportunites.  Here is an interesting  recent news item from a campus newspaper this week.
If you ever have any concerns or questions about an internship program...please don't hesitate to contact Career Services. 

What's new in job/internship recruiting?  How about the Job Cuzzi? 


Interview Today Event

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Our registration page for "InterviewToday" is now posted.  Students, register to reserve your interview spot with selected employers.  This is an excellent opportunity to meet with employers in a professional setting.  Let us know if you have any questions.   Click here to get started.

Interview Tips (and more)

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Interviews can be tough.  CareerJournal has tips for dealing with the really difficult aspects such as "Tell me about yourself"Phone Interviews, and Projecting Confidence.  Additional resources for interviews are listed here.

Also, are you prepared to articulate the value of your Liberal Arts education.  Here is a highly informative opinion piece concerning titled "Liberal Arts Schools are Producing Tomorrow's Leaders" that may help shape your interview responses.

In Today's News: U.S. Job loss stats for January: down 17,000. See Arkansas Business for the full story.  Are you doing everything possible to prepare for a more competitive job market?