Statement of Purpose
The Hendrix College Sociology/Anthropology Club is an organization for students interested in the scientific and humanistic understanding of social life.
Membership Policy
Membership in the club is open to any student expressing an interest in sociology or anthropology without regard to race, sex, color, age, handicap, creed, sexual orientation, or national origin. Annual dues are $2.00. You can fill out a membership form and return it to one of the officers.
Club Interest Form(1)
Executive Council and Faculty Advisor
The executive council is elected annually during the spring term. The council is composed of three members of the club who have declared their major in sociology/anthropology or who have taken a minimum of three courses in sociology or anthropology. In addition to these qualifications, members of the council will be chosen on the basis of their abilities and stated willingness to assume leadership responsibility for membership recruitment, publicity, mailings, the conduct of and recording of business at meetings, and the programs and service projects of the club. Currently the faculty advisor is Dr. Stacey Schwartzkopf.
In addition to a regularly scheduled meeting each month, the club typically sponsors one special activity, campus-wide, per term. Special events are planned and organized by the executive council.
Campus Visit and Talk by Dr. Cassandra White