Catalog 2018-2019

Data Analytics

Teaching Faculty

Faculty contact: Ferrer


Minor in Data Analytics

6 courses distributed as follows:

  • CSCI 150 Foundations of Computer Science
  • 1 course from:
              BUSI 250 Principles of Statistics
              MATH 215 Introductory Statistics
              MATH 310 Probability and Statistics
              PSYC 290 Statistics
              SOCI 210 Social Statistics
  • 1 course from:
              CSCI 151 Data Structures
              CSCI 270 Computational Humanities
              CSCI 285 Scientific Computing
              CSCI 335 Artificial Intelligence
              CSCI 340 Database and Web Systems
              MATH 365 Mathematical Models
  • 2 elective courses from:
              ANTH 335 Geographic Information Science
              BIOL 465 Molecular Evolution and Bioinformatics
              BIOL 480 Field Ecology
              BUSI 390 Accounting Information Systems and Database Management
              ECON 400 Econometrics and Forecasting
              ECON 430 Management Science
              POLI 460 Applied Statistical Methods
              POLI 202 Empirical Research Methods OR PSYC 295 Research Methods
  • 1 additional course from the two previous lists


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