Catalog 2018-2019


Teaching Faculty

Associate Professor Jellenik
Instructor Cottrant-Estell


The Department of Languages offers a major and a minor in French. The program is designed to develop written and oral communication skills, to promote global awareness through the study of culture and peoples, and to encourage aesthetic appreciation through the study of literature.

Major in French

9 courses above the first-year sequence, distributed as follows:

  • FREN 210 Intermediate French Composition and Conversation I
  • FREN 215 Intermediate French Composition and Conversation II
  • FREN 340 Survey of French Literature and Civilization I (to 1789)
    FREN 350 Survey of French Literature and Civilization II (since 1789)
  • 6 other French courses at or above the 200-level 



  • For students certifying to teach, it is strongly recommended that one of these be FREN 320 Practical Phonetics.  
  • Students majoring in French are also strongly encouraged to take at least the first-year sequence in Spanish, German, Latin, or Greek.


Senior Capstone Experience

The Senior Capstone Experience can be completed in either of two ways: by passing FREN 480  Senior Capstone/Advanced Research in French and Francophone Literature and Civilization   with a C or better, or by passing a capstone written and oral exam (based on coursework in the major and courses taken abroad, if applicable) with a C or better.

Minor in French

  • FREN 210 Intermediate French Composition and Conversation I
  • FREN 215 Intermediate French Composition and Conversation II
  • 3 additional courses at or above the 200 level

Program Course Listings

The courses for this program are organized into the following categories:

Elementary French Courses

The basic sequence courses are prerequisite for all other courses in French. However, if a student has taken two or more years of French in high school, he or she may be eligible to bypass some or all of the first-year sequence. Students who place out of the 100-level language sequence must complete a 200-level course with a C or better in order to earn one course credit for the 100-level sequence. Placement into higher level courses is based on an evaluation of the incoming student's high school record, entrance exam scores, and results of the Hendrix placement test.

FREN 110

First Year French I

This course is designed for students with no prior experience in the French language. It is a course in the four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in French, with emphasis on oral expression and an introduction to French culture.

FREN 120

First Year French II

This course continues the development of basic skills, cultural awareness, and oral proficiency at the first-year level.

Language LA
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Intermediate French Courses

FREN 202

Existentialism in France

This class examines the existentialist trend in French theory and fiction. This course is taught in English and is cross-listed as LITR 202. Students enrolling in this course read the fiction and submit written assignments in French with the expectation that student knowledge of the French language and literary theory is at the second-year level.

Literary Studies LS
Values, Beliefs and Ethics VA
Writing Level 2 W2
FREN 210

Interm Composition & Conversation I

This course continues the work of the first-year sequence in French, with a focus on grammar, reading, and writing skills. Prerequisite: FREN 120 or consent of the instructor.

FREN 120 or consent of the instructor.
FREN 215

Interm Composition Conversation II

This course emphasizes all four language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) by focusing on various facets of the world of business and technology. It also develops students' understanding of French institutions and business practices. Cross-listed with FREN 225. Co- or Prerequisite: FREN 210 or consent of instructor.

FREN 210 or consent of instructor.
FREN 225

Interm Composition Conversation Bus

This course emphasizes all four language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) by focusing on various facets of the world of business and technology. It also develops students' understanding of French institutions and business practices. Cross-listed with FREN 215. Co- or Prerequisite: FREN 210 or consent of instructor

FREN 210 or consent of instructor
FREN 261

French Literature in Translation

Studies the literary expression of French speaking peoples of France, Africa, the Caribbean, and Canada. No prior French study required. Cross-listed as LITR 261.

Literary Studies LS
Writing Level 2 W2
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Advanced French Courses

The prerequisite to all advanced French courses is FREN 210 Intermediate French Composition and Conversation I.

FREN 310

French Cinema &Advanced Composition

This course continues the work of the second-year sequence in French, with a particular focus on developing writing skills in the context of French cinema. Prerequisite: FREN 210

FREN 210
FREN 320

Phonetics and Advanced Conversation

This course systematically examines standard French pronunciation and puts that examination into practice in advanced conversations. Prerequisite: FREN 210 or consent of instructor

FREN 210 or consent of instructor
FREN 340

French Literature & Civilization I

An overview of the most important literary figures, political movements, and artistic genres in France from Roman times until the French Revolution in 1789. The broader cultural context of each period—its social history, philosophy, art, and architecture—is stressed. Prerequisite: FREN 210 or consent of instructor.

FREN 210 or consent of instructor.
Literary Studies LS
FREN 350

French Literature & Civilization II

An overview of the most important literary figures, political movements, and artistic genres in France since the French Revolution in 1789. The broader cultural context of each period—its social history, philosophy, art, and architecture—is stressed. Prerequisite: FREN 210 or consent of instructor

FREN 210 or consent of instructor
Literary Studies LS
FREN 360

Francophone Fiction

This course focuses on major works written in French by writers from North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Canada, and the Caribbean. Prerequisite: FREN 210 or consent of instructor

FREN 210 or consent of instructor
Literary Studies LS
FREN 361

Translation Theory

This course studies the various theories pertaining to the translation of literature. Cross-listed as LITR 361. Prerequisite: FREN 210.

FREN 210.
Literary Studies LS
Writing Level 2 W2

Murphy Tutorial in Literature

Students pursue in-depth exploration of a topic in French literature in English translations. Depending on student proficiency, some sections may are offered entirely in French. The course, taught in one-hour weekly sessions, has a low faculty-to-student ratio (1:2 or 1:3) and stresses, writing, reading, peer critiquing, and oral presentation skills. It culminates in a group activity such as a field trip, student symposium, engaged-learning project, or gathering with other tutorial pairs.

FREN 401

Small Worlds: French Lit Minimalism

This class examines the minimalist trend in French writing, from early 1980s to the present. Prerequisite: FREN 210 or consent of instructor

FREN 210 or consent of instructor
Literary Studies LS
FREN 402

Existentialism in France

This class examines the existentialist trend in French theory and fiction. This course is taught in English and is cross-listed as LITR 402. Students enrolling in this course read the fiction and submit written assignments in French with the expectation that student knowledge of the French language and literary theory is at the fourth-year level. Prerequisite: FREN 210 or consent of instructor

FREN 210 or consent of instructor
Literary Studies LS
Values, Beliefs and Ethics VA
Writing Level 2 W2
FREN 460

Topics: French Literature & Film

A topics course exploring an author, movement, or genre in depth. This course can be repeated for additional credits as long as the section topics are different Recent section topics include French Literature and Film, Women Writers of France, French Short Story. Readings may be done in translation. Consult the online course schedule for information about the topics currently scheduled to be taught. Cross-listed as LITR 460

Literary Studies LS
Writing Level 2 W2
FREN 480

French Capstone/Adv Research WII

Capstone course on French literature, literary history, and civilization with an emphasis on literary analysis, research, and presentation of research. Prerequisite: FREN 210 or consent of the instructor

FREN 210 or consent of the instructor
Literary Studies LS
Writing Level 2 W2
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