COVID-19 Procedures and Updates: We are available to meet via phone or Teams this semester. See below for appointment scheduling links to reserve your meeting time with us.
We can't wait to "see" you and are absolutely still available to provide our services, resources, and advice. We are committed to continuing to provide access and resources during this time.
Career Services Staff
Director of Career Services
SLTC 225
Areas of Expertise:
Career Discernment, Major Exploration and Decision Making, On-Campus Student Employment, Liberal Arts and Career Opportunities, Career Competencies (working with Faculty and Staff
to include topics of Career Discernment into courses, assignments, and curriculum).
Director of Career Services
SLTC 225
Areas of Expertise:
Graduate or Professional School (search and application process)
Coordinator of Career Connections
SLTC 224
Areas of Expertise:
Alumni Connections, Alternate Paths to Teaching Licensure, and Education-Focused Gap Year Opportunities
Coordinator of Employment and Internships
SLTC 239
Areas of Expertise:
Part-Time and Full-Time Employment, Internships, Gap Year Programs
Our mission is to support Hendrix's Statement of Purpose by assisting students and alumni in the exploration and attainment of professional and educational opportunities that contribute to lives of accomplishment, integrity, service and joy during their time at Hendrix and after graduation.
Available Services:
The following is a list of the services our offices provide. You are encouraged to schedule an appointment with a staff member to receive guidance in any of these areas.
Career Development Tools
- Resume and cover letter development
- Interviewing preparation
- Mock interviews
- Professional etiquette
- Social media use
Personal Development
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- Self-Directed Search
- Enneagram Type Indicator
Engaged Learning
- Internships
- Shadowing
- Odyssey Professional and Leadership Development information and referrals
Employment Assistance
- Full-time job search
- Part-time job search
- On-campus work-study assistance
- Employer and community outreach
Graduate and Professional School
- Research and planning
- Admission test preparation
- Personal statements and essays
- “Gap time” planning
- Alumni connections
- Networking
- Workplace counseling
Alumni Connections
- Career and major mentoring
- Friday Alumni Connection Time (FACT)
- Pre-medical shadowing
- Networking opportunities
Supportive Services
- Extensive resource library
- Classroom presentations
- Workshops, lectures, panel discussions, and other programming