Environmental Studies Program

Seniors 2016

This year's Environmental Studies seniors look to change the world after their time at Hendrix by going on to join organizations like the Peace Corps and further their studies in at graduate institutions around the country.  

Avalon Collier

EVST Concentration: Socio-cultural
Hometown: Nashville, TN
About: While at Hendrix Avalon was active in the Hendrix Garden club and worked with the Faulkner County Urban Farming Project in creating and maintaining a garden and greenhouse behind the Faulkner County Library.  Avalon also studied abroad in Costa Rica studying Land Policy and Ecotourism with the Hendrix Summer Program
Thesis Title: Childhood Nature-Play: Natures Effects on Childhood Well-Being

MJ Emanuel

EVST Concentration: Biology
Second Major or Minor: Politics Minor
Hometown: Oak Ridge, TN
About: MJ enjoys studying Environmental Policy and hopes to further her experiences in the realm of the public sector by either going on to a graduate school or joining Americorps next year.  MJ's ambitions have changed over her time at Hendrix but she still maintains an interest in climate change adaption and resilience which originally inspired her studies in the field.
Thesis Title: Redefining the Technology-Environment Relationship in the Digital Age

Shayla Gordon

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EVST Concentration: Socio-Cultural
Second Major or Minor: Studio Art minor
Hometown: Santa Barbara, CAAbout: Shayla looks forward to applying for the Peace Corps after her time at Hendrix to put to use the time she has spent making a positive difference in her community both at Hendrix and back home in California.  Shayla enjoys educating the public on environmental issues and use art as an avenue to teach people how to respect their environment.                                                                                                                Thesis Title: The Fragmentation of Food Production and Consumption in America: Towards Sustainable and Cohesive Civilizations


Marley Halter

rsz_marley  EVST Concentration: Socio-Cultural                                                   Second Major or Minor: Spanish minor                                               Hometown: Little Rock, AR                                                                  About: Marley is interested in sustainable food systems and hopes to go on to graduate school in the Fall of 2016 to study agroecology and perhaps work for an organization such as Heifer International in the future!                         Thesis Title: A Comparative Study of Sustainable Viniculture Practices in California and Arkansas: Best Options for Improvement

Emily Kleinfelter

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EVST Concentration: Socio-Cultural                                                                     Hometown: Nashville, TN                                                                                            About: Emily is a dedicated athlete who can often be seen in full bike apparel cruising on the streets of Conway.  Emily is interested in the urban studies side of environmental studies and hopes to focus her twin joys of biking and helping community to open an urban bike shop and promote environmentally-friendly transportation.                                        

Taylor Pate

rsz_taylor  EVST Concentration: Socio-cultural                                                    Second Major or Minor: Politic minor                                                       Hometown: Little Rock, AR                                                                             About: Taylor has worked hard to fight against food insecurity and to help construct effective mechanisms for producing, transporting, and eventually feeding the food insecure.  She plans to attend the University of Reading in England in the Fall of 2016 and study Food Security and Development and receive her Master's.                                                                                                     Thesis Title: Environmental Implications of Food Policy: Denmark and the United States

Brenda Quintero

rsz_brenda EVST Concentration: Biology                                                                   Second Major or Minor: Spanish minor                                                    Hometown: Berryville, AR                                                                     About: Brenda has been very active on the Hendrix campus as a worker for the Cafeteria's Late Night hours and as an Orientation Leader during Freshman Orientation.  Brenda enjoys working with people and hopes to become a Spanish Interpreter.                                                                 Thesis Title: The Makah Go Whaling: A Cultural Revival 

Haley Stratton

rsz_haley  EVST Concentration: Biology                                                       Hometown: Fort Worth, TX                                                                  About: Haley is active in the Hendrix Environmental Concerns Committee and also runs Cross Country.  Her ambition is to work as a field botanist and plans on going on the graduate school to earn a PhD in Botany.             Thesis Title: Growing Epiphytes in Coffee and Cacao Trees to Create a more Sustainable Agriculture System in the Tropics

Minsahng Song

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EVST Concentration: Biology                                                                               Hometown: Vancouver, WA                                                                                         About: Minsahng is passionate about environmental education and looks to teach English and other topics to students in China after his time at Hendrix.                                     Thesis Title: Case study of an Agroforestry system: Shade coffee farms in Southern Mexico


Katie Thompson

rsz_katie  EVST Concentration: Biology                                                              Second Major or Minor: English minor                                       Hometown: Mayflower, AR                                                                  About: Katie wishes to work as an environmental consultant and plans on going on to graduate school after her time at Hendrix.  She believes in the right of people to enjoy living in a healthy environment and also believes in environmental justice for those who abuse natural resources.                 Thesis Title: A Comparative Analysis on Environmental Policies, Public Opinion, and the Economy in the EU and the US

*Not every Environmental Studies Major for Hendrix College Class of 2016 may be represented on this page.