Well-Being at Hendrix

Spiritual Well-Being

Spiritual Well-Being involves fostering a sense of purpose through connectedness with art, nature, religion, or one’s community. Through building meaning within these areas in one’s life, one can maintain balance within life, build positive relationships with others, and ultimately a feeling of fulfillment from life.

Although spiritual well-being does not necessarily involve religious belief, it does encourage one to search for a way to connect to a purpose larger than one’s self. For example, connectedness to nature is strongly correlated with well-being and meaningfulness.1You can also cultivate spiritual well-being by reflecting on yourself and identifying your values, practicing mindfulness, and exploring religious faiths. 


  • Hendrix hosts several religious organizations including Hillel and Catholic Campus Ministry, and United Methodist Scholars.
  • Hendrix Interfaith Counsel seeks to facilitate dialogue within and between different religious traditions.
  • Consider exploring various religious traditions by finding time to take a Religious Studies course during your time at Hendrix.
  • For ideas of how to incorporate spiritual well-being into everyday life, please see this document from our former chaplain, Reverend J.J. Whitney.


1 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21859800/