Hillel, the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life, provides
opportunities for Jewish students at more than 500 colleges and universities to
explore and celebrate their Jewish identity through its global network of
regional centers, campus Foundations, and Hillel student organizations. Hillel
is working to provoke a renaissance of Jewish life.
Our mission is to enrich the lives of Jewish undergraduate
and graduate students so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world.
Hillel student leaders, professionals, and lay leaders are dedicated to
creating a pluralistic, welcoming, and inclusive environment for Jewish college
students where they are encouraged to grow intellectually, spiritually, and
socially. Hillel helps students find a balance in being distinctively Jewish
and universally human by encouraging them to pursue Tzedek (social justice),
Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), and Jewish learning and to support
Israel and global Jewish peoplehood. Hillel is committed to excellence,
innovation, accountability, and results.
The Hendrix Hillel chapter was started in 2002 by Tyler
Kenworthy and Nicole O'Neal. Hendrix Hillel is open to all students and members
of the Hendrix community who are interested in learning about Judaism or
participating in activities that center around Judaism.
Hillel is the Jewish Student Union designed for Jewish students
and secular students interested in learning and celebrating Judaism.
With a wide variety of programming, including Shabbat dinners,
speakers and holiday events, that acknowledge students’ diversity of interests,
pluralism is at the heart of everything Hillel does.
Hendrix Hillel encourages students to participate in whatever capacity
they feel comfortable with and has leadership positions
available for students in all classes. We pride ourselves on facilitating
Jewish education and learning by combining traditional practices with a fun and
welcoming environment. If you would like more information please contact us via email (listed below) or visit our office (SLTC #126)!
2015-2016 officers:
President: Isabelle Staines
Vice President: Sydney Fobare
Historian: Mari Thomeczek
Public Relations: Riva Cullinan & Yahelle Yaccoby
Faculty Adviser: Dr. Dorian Stuber Ph.D (Fausett Hall #204I)
Past officers:
2014-15 Co-Presidents: Blair Schneider and Lindsay Mindlin
2013-14 Co-Presidents: Blair Schneider and Rosie Mandel
2012-13 Co-Presidents: Ryne Lawrence and Zach Saul
2011-12 Co-Presidents: Avery Drongowski and Zach Saul
2010-11 President: Jordana Rogers
2009-10 President: David Kolovson
2008-09 President: Sam Ginsberg
2007-08 President: Sara (Sunny) Young