Religious Life

Hendrix Labyrinth

"It is solved by walking."
      -Saint Augustine

Photo by Nicholas Pippins
Class of 2007

"We in higher education, especially here at Hendrix, believe that education is about the whole person: it's the mind, it's the body and it's the spiritual." President J. Timothy Cloyd (2001-2013)

Inspired by Nicholas Pippins’ Hendrix Odyssey project, the Hendrix labyrinth was dedicated in November 2007. The structure is a “Petite Chartres” labyrinth, modeled upon the labyrinth in the Chartres Cathedral, a Christian pilgrimage destination since the Middle Ages.  The Hendrix labyrinth is a place of calm where guests can meditatively and prayerfully reflect upon their own lives as they follow the twists and turns they travel.  Walking the labyrinth is a spiritual discipline that encourages discernment and self-reflection.  As St. Augustine wrote in the 5th century, “It is solved by walking,” and indeed life’s problems can be reflected upon and resolved while quietly walking the labyrinth path.