Parent and Family Engagement

Ways to give back

Hendrix families are an important part of our community. Families are invited to participate in activities on campus such as athletic games, plays and concerts, Alumni & Friends events, and much more. If you would like to give back to Hendrix, we have many ways.

field hockey team

Donate your resources:
• Make a gift to The Hendrix Fund in honor of your student(s).
• Request a matching gift from your company for Hendrix.
• Buy a Hendrix license plate if you live in Arkansas.
• Join the Warrior Booster Club.

Donate your time:
• Be a Parent Host and help new parents during Move-In Day.
• Assist at events during Family Weekend/Homecoming.
• Serve as a PATH volunteer with the Office of Admission.
• Share employment leads, shadowing, or internship opportunities with Career Services

If you have questions, please contact Kristin Howell at 501-505-2961 or

Thank you for your invaluable support!