*Denotes undergraduate co-author
Fidino M, Sander HA, Lewis JS, Lehrer EW, Rivera K, Murray MH, Adams HC, Kase A, Flores A, Stankowich T, Schell CJ, Salsbury CM, Rohnke AT, Jordan MJ, Green AM, Gramza AR, Zellmer AJ, Williamson J, Surasinghe TD, Storm H, Sparks KL, Ryan TJ, Remine KR, Pendergast ME, Mullen K, Minier DE, Middaugh CR, Mertl AL, McClung, MR, Long RA, Larson RN, Kohl MT, Harris LR, Hall CT, Haight JD, Drake D, Davidge AM, Cheek AO, Bloch CP, Biro EG, Anthonysamy WJB, Angstmann JL, Allen ML, Adalsteinsson SA, Gianotti AGS, LaMontagne JM, Gelmi-Candusso TA, Magle SB. 2024. Gentrification drives patterns of alpha and beta diversity in cities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121 (17) e2318596121.
Veon JT*, McClung MR . 2023. Disturbance of wintering waterfowl by simulated traffic noise in Arkansas wetlands. Journal of Wildlife Management, 87(4): e22387.
Young MA*, Patel K*, Crenshaw LC*, Moran MD, McClung MR , Haden Chomphosy W. 2022.
Ecosystem services of the Buffalo National River in Arkansas. Natural Areas Journal, 42(4): 293-300.
Monroe AF, Hubbard SC, Rodriguez R, Kuhns FM, McClung MR , Moran MD, Gates MW. 2022
. Biodiversity of parasitic Hymenoptera across sky islands of Arkansas, USA. Environmental Entomology, nvac059.
McClung MR , Moran MD. 2022. Minimizing impacts of future renewable energy development on the world's Desert ecosystems. Frontiers in Sustainability, 3:900468.
Turkal CE*, Anderson TF*, McClung MR . 2021. Highland stonerollers (
Campostoma spadecium
) do not clearly avoid recreational boat noise or preferentially graze algae in quieter areas. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 104(8): 1005-1016.
Crossley MS, Smith OM, Berry LL*, Phillips-Cosio R*, Glassberg J, Holman KM*, Holmquest JG*, Meier AR, Varriano SA, McClung MR , Moran MD, Snyder WE. 2021. Recent climate is creating hotspots of butterfly increase and decline across North America. Global Change Biology, 27(12): 2702-2714.
Turner AC*, Young MA*, McClung MR , Moran MD. 2021. Comprehensive valuation of the ecosystem services of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Natural Areas Journal, 41(2): 125-137.
Shepard CA*, Crenshaw LC*, Baldwin EM*, Sammon K*, Holman KM*, Gazaway DA*, Phelan NE*, Baltosser WH, Lombardi M, Moran MD, McClung MR . 2021. Distribution and habitat preferences of the Texas frosted elfin (
Callophrys irus hadros
) in Arkansas. Journal of the Lepidopterist Society. 75(2): 104-112.
Jordaan SM, Jung J, McClung MR , Moran MD. 2021. Quantifying the life cycle ecosystem services values of electricity generation in the U.S. Chihuahuan Desert. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 25(4): 1089-1101.
Haden Chomphosy W, Varriano SA*, Lefler LH*, Nallur V*, McClung MR , Moran MD. 2021. Ecosystem services benefits from the restoration of abandoned US oil and gas lands. Nature Sustainability, 4(6):547-554.
Crenshaw LC*, Shepard CA*, Phelan NE*, McClung MR , Moran MD. 2020. New county records of three
species in Arkansas, with an updated distribution map. Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Sciences, 74: 72-74.
Varriano S*, Mallon JM, Folta C, Coulibaly H, Krajcir KJ, McClung MR , Fagan WF, Moran MD. 2020. Transfer of nitrogen by migratory birds in the African-Western Eurasian Flyways. Animal Migration, 7(1): 52-57.
Nallur V*, McClung MR , Moran MD. 2020. Restoration potential for abandoned gas wells in the Fayetteville Shale of Arkansas. Environmental Management, 66: 180-190.
McClung MR , Taylor NT*, Zamzow BK*, Stone ET*, Abad H*, Moran MD. 2019.
The threat of energy diversification to a bioregion: a landscape-level analysis of current and future impacts on the U.S. Chihuahuan Desert. Regional Environmental Change, 1-14.
Howden CM*, Stone ET*, Nallur V*, McClung MR , Moran MD. 2019. Impact of Bakken/Three Forks unconventional oil and gas development on important wildlife landscapes in North Dakota. Land Degradation and Development, 2019: 1-9.
McClung MR , Moran MD. 2018. Understanding and mitigating impacts of unconventional oil and gas development on land-use and ecosystem services in the U.S. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 3: 19-26.
Davis KM*, Nguyen MN*, McClung MR , Moran MD. 2018. Comparison of impacts of wind and shale gas on land-use and ecosystem services in the Anadarko region of Oklahoma. Environmental Management, 1-9
Taylor NT*, Davis KM*, Abad H*, McClung MR , Moran MD. 2017. Ecosystem services of the Big Bend region of the Chihuahuan Desert. Ecosystem Services. 28: 48-57.
Moran MD, Taylor NT*, Mullins TF*, Sardar SS*, McClung MR . 2017. Land-use ecosystem services costs of unconventional oil and gas in the United States. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 15(5): 237-242.
Cox AB*, Taylor NT*, Rebein KA*, Song MS*, Moran MD, McClung MR . 2017
Land use changes from unconventional gas development in public lands of the Fayetteville Shale. Natural Areas Journal, 37(2): 233-239.
Bradley CE*, McClung MR . 2015. Vocal divergence and discrimination of long calls in tamarins: a comparison of allopatric populations of
Saguinus fuscicollis nigrifrons
S. f. lagonotus
. American Journal of Primatology, 77(6): 679-687.
Moran MD, Cox AB*, Wells RL*, Benichou CC*, McClung MR . 2015. Habitat loss and modification due to gas development in the Fayetteville Shale. Environmental Management, 55(6): 1276-1284.
McClung MR , Seddon PJ, Massaro M, Setiawan AN. 2004. Nature-based tourism impacts on yellow-eyed penguins
Megadyptes antipodes
: Does unregulated visitor access affect fledging weight and juvenile survival? Biological Conservation, 119(2): 279-285.
McClung MR. 1999. Field guide to BROWSE plants. Smithsonian National Zoological Park: Washington, D.C.