The Biology Department encourages students to do an independent study project during their junior or senior year. Students who opt to do an independent study should possess initiative and interest, have adequate course background, and show evidence of strong conceptual knowledge in the area of the research. The project may receive one biology "elective" course credit and a grade given by the Hendrix biology instructor who has supervised the project. The Biology Department has good potential for independent studies both on and off campus and can fulfill the needs of most projects. Faculty members can be of great help in formulating such projects. They should be consulted early for ideas, approaches, and planning. Results that have sufficient merit should be presented at various professional meetings or other appropriate scientific forums. Course credit may be given for a maximum of two independent study projects, however only one may be done off-campus. To earn two course credits, the research must involve separate projects from different areas or sub-disciplines of biology.
As early as possible (preferably before the end of the junior year), students should select a faculty member from the biology department who will oversee the research project and act as project advisor, or who will act as a co-advisor if the research is to be supervised in an off campus laboratory. Faculty advisors will advise in the preparation of a research proposal and decide on its acceptability. After the student completes the project and turns in the final paper and journal, the faculty advisor will evaluate the study and assign a grade for the course.
If designing one's own research project, students must turn in to their selected advisor a typed Research Proposal, before the start of the Independent Study. Projects cannot be initiated without this proposal. Along with other important information necessary to the assessment and commencement of the project, this proposal defines the formal research requirements for successful completion of the Independent Study course. The Research Proposal should address the following:
A concise Introduction addressing the purpose and significance of the proposed research, the specific hypothesis (hypotheses)being tested, and relevant background information, including a brief review of the pertinent literature.
A detailed statement of the Materials and Methods. This section needs to address, in addition to the general experimental paradigms):
a protocol of all experimental procedures
the requirements for space (animal room, greenhouse, laboratory), and equipment (to avoid conflicts with other courses or research) unless the research is to be carried out in another laboratory.
estimated time requirements and calendar for the study.
a statement of the nature of the data to be collected and how the data will be analyzed, including specific statistical procedures.
a list of all materials that will be required, the quantities of each, and in the case of materials or supplies not on hand or in insufficient quantities for the project, where materials can be obtained and their cost.
A bibliography of the relevant literature.
While the empirical research is being carried out, students should meet regularly with their advisor to discuss and assess the progress of the research. Such discussions may involve changes in design, direction, or nature of the project from the original proposal. On the basis of these meetings, the student and advisor may modify the original research requirements.
Students may also petition the Biology Department to award Independent Study course credit for off-campus research experience, such as that gained during summer employment. In such instances the scholarly level and duration of the experience must be equivalent to that of any other Independent Study course. The petitioning procedure will require the student to obtain the permission of a departmental faculty "advisor" most familiar with the research area. This petition must document that the role of the student in the research with the off-campus supervisor goes beyond that of a technician, thus that the student's role involved participation in designing and implementing the experiment and in interpretation of the results, and that the student possesses a solid theoretical understanding of the research prior to undertaking the project. The advisor will, on the basis of discussion with the student about the project, assist the student in the submission of a formal departmental petition form. The advisor will then meet with the other departmental faculty for consideration of the petition. Once approval
has been granted, standard Independent Study requirements (see 5 below), including a modified research proposal, must be met and evaluated by the faculty advisor. Under some circumstances a student may petition the department to award Independent Study credit for research already completed or in progress. Under such circumstances a similar petition procedure will be required of the student and biology faculty advisor.
The final course requirements are:
The preparation of a formal research report. This report must be typed and organized in appropriate scientific format. Such format usually includes an abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, and literature cited sections. Depending on the student's own knowledge and skill in scientific writing and on the nature of previous editing, one or more revisions of this report typically will be required.
Submission of a journal documenting the day-by-day research activities, including a summary of seminars attended or other scholarly activities related to the research project.
An oral presentation of the research to the biology department (such as a Senior Seminar) and/or at a bona fidescientific meeting, such as the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), the Arkansas Academy of Science, etc.
Students may be interested in doing projects of a truncated or exploratory nature either as a requisite toward, or in lieu of, a formal Independent Study for course credit. Within the realm of available faculty time, space and materials, the Biology Department encourages such independent research.