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Share a Calendar in Outlook (Office 365)


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Calendar sharing is a feature in Outlook that allows a delegate access to your calendar. Depending on the permissions that are set, the delegate will be able to see or even edit your calendar. This is often used to prevent conflicts in an office, or to give an assistant the ability to see and schedule events on a calendar.

To share your calendar with someone else:

Before a delegate can see your calendar, they must be invited to share your calendar. The following steps walk you through how to send an invitation to share your calendar with someone:

  1. Log into Outlook.
  2. Click on the square button in the top left corner of your screen (it looks like a Rubik's cube). Click the "Calendar" icon. You will be taken to your Outlook Calendar application page.
  3. The grouping on the far left of the screen entitled "My calendars" is where all of your calendars are listed. Right-click on the calendar you wish to share, then click on "Share calendar" in the drop-down list.
  4. A new panel will pop up on your screen. Type the name of the person you wish to share your calendar with in the “Share with” bar and select their name. You can share your calendar with multiple individuals.To remove an individual from the list, click the ‘X’ at the end of their listing. NOTE: If at any time you decide to not share your calendar, click “Discard” at the top of the panel.
  5. For each individual that you are sharing your calendar, you will need to choose what permissions to give them.  After you add who you want to share your calendar with, choose how much information you want to share with that person to see. Full details show the time, subject, location, and other details of all items in your calendar. Limited details show the time, subject, and location, but no other information. Availability only shows the time of items on your calendar and no other details. If you want to give a person the ability to edit your calendar, choose either Editor or Delegate. An editor can edit your calendar. A delegate can edit your calendar, and they can send and respond to meeting requests on your behalf.
  6. You may edit the ‘Subject’ line of the email invitation that will be sent to your selected person/s if you wish.
  7. At the bottom of the panel is another drop-down list that allows you to select which calendar you will be sharing. If you want to change what calendar you are sharing, click the arrow and select the desired calendar.
  8. Click “Send” in the top bar of the panel.

If you want to share multiple calendars with the same person, repeat steps 3-8 listed above.

To open a calendar someone shared with you:

  1. Sign in to your email account.
  2. Open the email invitation that was sent to you to share someone else's calendar. The subject line may read something like "I'd like to share my calendar with you". The body of the email may read something like "Example, Ann ( has invited you to view his or her 'Life' Calendar. For instructions on how to  view [...]." Click the "Accept" button to be able to view the calendar.
  3. While on your Calendar application page, you should now be able to see your own calendar/s and the calendar/s you have accepted the invitation to share (they will all be located in the panel on the far left of your screen).

Depending on the permissions the calendar's creator has allowed you, you may only be able to view the details of the shared calendar's events, or you may be able to create, edit, and delete events on the shared calendar.

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