Facilities Management

Facilities Services

Employee Safety

It is the College's intent to provide a safe working environment in all areas, for all employees.  Employee safety is to be the first consideration in the operation of the College.  As a part of our safety program, we are members of MSDS Online which gives us quick access to an electronic MSDS database.  A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is designed to provide the proper procedures for handling or working with a particular substance.  The information contained on a MSDS includes physical data, storage, handling and disposal.  To access the online database, contact the Facilities Management office.

Grounds Maintenance

Hendrix College Facilities Management is responsible for all of our landscaping needs and all of the details that involves. From outdoor furniture to tree removal these are the folks that keep us looking good.

The next time you walk by a flower bed and enjoy it's flora, or when you notice how nice a sports field is groomed, remember that a staff of dedicated individuals provide the care and attention it takes so we can all enjoy the look and feel of the Hendrix campus!


Facilities Management is responsible for maintaining a clean, sanitary, and attractive interior environment for the students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Housekeeping is also responsible for waste disposal in all college buildings.  

Building Maintenance

Facilities Management is responsible for plumbing, electrical, carpentry, lighting, painting, HVAC and general building maintenance of the campus.

Warehouse & Moving

Facilities Management oversees campus moving,  event set-up and take-down, deliveries, vendors and related contracts. If you have ordering questions or would like to contact the college for information on becoming a supplier, please call 501-450-1348.