Chemistry Department

Peter Kett, Ph.D.

Kett, Peter

Peter Kett, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Chair, Department of Chemistry Charles D. Morgan Center - Reynolds Hall 209 (501) 505-1577 (501) 450-3829

Academic Background

  • B.A., University of Cambridge, 2006
  • M.S., University of Cambridge, 2007
  • Ph.D., University of Cambridge, 2011

2020-2021 Courses

  • CHEM 110: General Chemistry I: Chemical Structures & Properties
  • CHEM 110 Lab: General Chemistry I: Chemical Structures & Properties Lab
  • CHEM 120 Lab: General Chemistry II: Chemical Analysis & Reactivity Lab
  • CHEM 310: Physical Chemistry: Quantum Mechanics & Spectroscopy
  • CHEM 450: Directed Research
  • CHEM ATC: Advanced Techniques in Experimental Chemistry
  • LBST 101: Explorations

Research Interests

  • In the Kett research group we are interested in studying surface and interfacial phenomena. Specifically we look at how solid surfaces interact with adsorbed molecules and how the adsorption process can be controlled through changes in ionic strength, pH, and surface charge. Currently the group is focused on developing a kinetic model for the formation of supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) on a silicon dioxide (SiO 2 ) surface. SLBs are a class of model biological membrane in which a phospholipid bilayer is supported on a metal or non-metal surface. They are used as mimics of biological cell membranes as the large number of different molecules that are in a cell membrane makes it difficult to determine the structure, dynamics and interactions of each individual membrane component. Although SLBs can be formed on a number of different surfaces, they do not form on all surfaces and it is not usually possible to make an a priori prediction as to whether a particular combination of phospholipid concentration, surface, salt concentration, temperature, and solution pH will result in the formation of an SLB. By monitoring the real time formation of SLBs using a Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) we are developing a mechanistic model that will allow us to determine how each of these experimental conditions affects the formation of SLBs.


Recent Publications

  • "Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy of Lipid Bilayers Formed on Activated Carboxy-Terminated Substrates" - Casford, M. T. L.; Ge, A.; Kett, P. J. N. ; Shen, Y.; Davies, P. B., Journal of Physical Chemistry B. , 2013117  (21), 6455-6465
  • "Orientation of Cholesterol in Hybrid Bilayer Membranes Calculated from the Phases of Methyl Resonances in Sum Frequency Generation Spectra" - Kett, P. J. N.; Casford, M. T. L.; Davies, P. B. Journal of Chemical Physics,2013 , 138 , 225101 
  • "Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy of Cholesterol in Hybrid Bilayer Membranes" - Kett, P. J. N.; Casford, M. T. L.; Davies, P. B. Journal of Physical Chemistry B,2013 , 117 , 6455-6465 
  • "Effect of Multiple Group Orientations of Sum Frequency Generation Spectra" - Kett, P. J. N.; Casford, M. T. L.; Davies, P. B. Molecular Physics,2013 , 111 , 173-185 
  • "Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectrum of a Self-Assembled Monolayer Containing Two Different Methyl Group Orientations" - Kett, P. J. N.; Casford, M. T. L.; Davies, P. B. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2012 , 3 , 3276-3280 
  • "Structure of Mixed Phosphatidylethanolamine and Cholesterol Monolayers in a Supported Hybrid Bilayer Membrane Studied by Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy" - Kett, P. J. N.; Casford, M. T. L.; Davies, P. B. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2011 , 115 , 6465-6473 
  • "Sum Frequency Generation (SFG) Vibrational Spectroscopy of Planar Phosphatidylethanolamine Hybrid Bilayer Membranes under Water" - Kett, P. J. N.; Casford, M. T. L.; Davies, P. B. Langmuir, 2010 , 26 , 9710-9719 
  • "Structural Changes in a Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Assembly Investigated by Reflection Absorption Infrared Spectroscopy and Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy" - Kett, P. J. N.; Casford, M. T. L.; Yang, A. Y.; Lane, T. J.; Johal, M. S.; Davies, P. B. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2009 , 113 , 1559-1568 

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