Student Life

Key Policy

To provide a safe and secure environment for faculty, staff, and students, all Hendrix College keys are issued and controlled by the Department of Public Safety. Issue Requests for student keys must be submitted by the appropriate faculty or staff advisor via the Key Request Form on the Hendrix College website. The request will be received by the Department of Public Safety for review and processing. Upon completion of processing, the key holder and requestor will be sent a notice via campus e-mail that key(s) are ready for pick up.

Return Keys

Keys are due for return to the Department of Public Safety based on the due date established by the faculty/staff requestor when they submitted the Key Request Form.

Keys must be returned by this date unless the appropriate faculty/staff advisor has submitted a formal request to Public Safety to extend the due date. Keyholders are responsible for knowing when their key(s) is/are due for return. The Business Office will send a reminder if keys are not returned as required; do not ignore this reminder. Keys not returned to Public Safety by the due date will be considered lost, and the keyholder will be assessed the applicable fee(s).

Lost/Delinquent Keys

Lost keys (including keys not returned by the due date) will result in the key holder being assessed a fine of $100.00 per key. If a keyholder returns their key(s)
after the lost key fine(s) has/have been assessed, they will be refunded 50 percent of the lost key fine per key returned.

Residential Housing Keys

Housing keys are issued to and managed by the Office of 
Residential Life. Safety and security concerns resulting from a lost residential room or 
apartment key require that the housing space be re-cored and issued new keys to the assigned resident(s). Lost residential keys must be immediately reported to Residential Life. 

Failure to report a lost or stolen room key(s) will result in a fine as determined by the 
Department of Public Safety and Residential Life. Re-cores for lost or stolen keys will result in a $100.00 fine for the student(s) responsible for the missing key(s).