Pre-Professional Programs and Specialized Advising


At Hendrix, we are dedicated to helping students discover the best pathway to becoming teachers. These pathways include social justice related teaching fellowships (e.g., Teach for America, Arkansas Teacher Corps), alternative licensure programs, and Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) programs, including our accelerated 4-1 MAT Partnership with the University of Central Arkansas. Students can also explore their interest in teaching through the Pre-Teaching track of the Social Justice minor.  

4-1 Master of Arts in Teaching Partnership with UCA

Hendrix College and the University of Central Arkansas offer a streamlined plan of study that allows Hendrix students to complete the first 15 hours of the UCA MAT program online while still enrolled at Hendrix. These credit hours can be dual-transcripted, counting toward course credits at both institutions.

Hendrix students may apply to the MAT program in the spring of their junior year, and UCA waives the application fee for Hendrix applicants. To be considered for admission to the UCA MAT program, students must meet specific criteria, including a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, either overall or within the last 60 credit hours (typically the previous four semesters at Hendrix), submission of transcripts, and successful completion of an Arkansas Educator Licensure System background check.

After graduating from Hendrix, students enrolled in the UCA MAT program who have passed the required Arkansas licensure exams and secured a teaching job offer may qualify for a provisional teaching license in Arkansas. This allows them to begin teaching while completing the MAT program.


For additional information about alternative teacher preparation options, please contact Mrs. Rynnett Clark in Career Services.