CONWAY, Ark. (August 22, 2016) – Recent Hendrix College graduate Nicholas Heiner’16 won a Pi Mu Epsilon Student Speaker Award for “A Modified Amazing Array”, his presentation at this year’s MathFest in Columbus, Ohio.
MathFest is an annual national meeting of the Mathematical Association of America and Pi Mu Epsilon. Heiner’s award was provided by the American Mathematical Society.
A double major in mathematics and psychology, Heiner was able to extend a number theoretic concept in new directions.
“This was my favorite sort of a situation. Nicholas noticed a connection between two seemingly-unrelated topics and asked me about that connection,” said Hendrix mathematics professor Dr. Duff Campbell, who mentored Heiner on this project. “At first, I thought it was just a coincidence, but
then Nicholas started working on it and he found some very interesting theorems and proofs.”
Olivier Kwizera’17, a computer science and mathematics double major, also represented Hendrix at MathFest.
His presentation was titled, “Generating Random Instances of Algebraic Data Types in Haskell.”
"Ollie impressed me this summer with his ability to grasp abstract mathematical concepts at an intuitive level and then turn around and put them to practical use,” said Hendrix computer science professor Dr. Brent Yorgey, who mentored Kwizera. “He did a great job in his talk explaining
the background of his work to a general audience."
Hendrix College
Hendrix College is a private liberal arts college in Conway, Arkansas. Founded in 1876 and affiliated with the United Methodist Church since 1884, Hendrix is featured in Colleges
That Change Lives: 40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think about Colleges and is nationally recognized in numerous college guides, lists, and rankings for academic quality, community, innovation, and value. For more information, visit