News Center

President Tsutsui’s Open Letter on the 7.30.15 Campus Incident

To the Hendrix College community,

As Conway Police continue to investigate a sexual assault and robbery that occurred early this morning in a College-owned apartment, our primary concerns are for the victim and for the ongoing safety of every member of the Hendrix community.

While this specific event has one victim, this incident is also an attack on our community. Our response today – and as the fall semester begins and throughout the academic year – must likewise be collective action, strength, and support.

As community members, it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and each other.

We must keep the conversations about campus safety issues such as sexual assault ongoing.

We must redouble our ongoing awareness and prevention efforts to help everyone in our community understand what they can do to keep themselves and each other safe.

And we must constantly evaluate everything we do to raise awareness and provide education about campus safety and sexual assault issues.

While we can’t comment on specific details of an ongoing investigation, this is a serious incident for our community.

We will continue to do everything possible to support the victim in this incident and to keep Hendrix safe.

  • H-Alert was activated and follow-up campus safety email messages were sent.
  • Our Dean of Students and Public Safety Chief held a campus forum today to discuss concerns and answer questions about this incident.
  • We have offered to relocate any student in the College apartment complex where the incident occurred.
  • We have offered counseling services through our Chaplain’s Office.
  • We have increased public safety patrols of campus.
  • We are evaluating additional security measures for College-owned housing.
  • We are continuing to communicate about the incident and our response, internally and externally.

In the meantime, let us all keep the student victim in our thoughts and prayers and continue to focus on keeping the Hendrix community safe.



Bill Tsutsui
