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Nadine Miller, friend to Hendrix College, 1930-2023

Philanthropist played key role in establishing the Miller Center for Vocation, Ethics & Calling

CONWAY, Arkansas (July 11, 2023) — Hendrix College is saddened by the June 29 passing of Nadine Strang Hardin Miller, a United Methodist laywoman who, with her husband, Bob Miller, organized the Miller Foundation, which provided the 2008 gift establishing the College’s Miller Center for Vocation, Ethics & Calling.

The Miller Center was founded to continue and enhance the traditions of the College’s Hendrix-Lilly Initiative, a program focused on vocation and calling that was sustained through a five-year implementation grant and a subsequent three-year sustainability grant from the Lilly Foundation. The Miller Center officially succeeded the Hendrix-Lilly Initiative in 2009.

“Nadine was one of a kind. Her zest for life, grand smile and laughter, passion for justice, and love for all were just some of the many aspects that made her a beautiful soul,” said the Rev. Wayne Clark, president and CEO of the Methodist Foundation for Arkansas, who served as chaplain of the College when the Miller Center was formed.

“Many times when I was with Nadine, we were discussing the church or the latest acts of justice in which she was involved,” said Clark, who counts Miller among his mentors and teachers. “She loved hearing about how the students at Hendrix were learning how to incorporate service and passion for others in their everyday lives, careers, and for some their calling into ordained ministry.”

Since its founding, the Miller Center has continued to provide service-learning and leadership opportunities to Hendrix students with United Methodist or other Christian backgrounds, and also to students of other faith traditions or no particular faith tradition. It supports several Miller Center Service Scholars each year as they find ways to serve the community and engage in vocational reflection alongside their Hendrix educational experiences.

“The love and support [Nadine] and Bob shared, especially with Hendrix, planted countless seeds of love and justice that will continue to grow in untold and unknown ways,” Clark said.