Our provider for flexible spending and dependent childcare expenses is Consolidated Admin Services (CAS). The flexible spending plan allows an
employee to withhold up to a maximum of $3,050 (2023) for unreimbursed medical
expenses and/or $5,000 for dependent/childcare expenses on a pre-tax basis which may lower tax liability for federal, state and FICA.
Unreimbursed Medical Expenses - FSA
An annual amount elected at the time of hire, or during open enrollment, that can be used to pay unreimbursed medical expenses such as physician and prescription co-payments, deductibles,
co-insurance (20%), dental or vision services not covered by those plans, etc. If you have specific questions about what FSA money can be used for please contact HR. You can also make qualified purchases on FSAstore.com or at the Amazon FSA Store. The amount you elect for a calendar year must be used during that calendar year on claims made during that calendar year. (ie. if you don't use it - you lose it).
The maximum annual election for 2024 is $3,200. The entire amount elected for the year can be used at any time during the year. (ie. if a person held out $1000 / year that person could use all $1000 in January).
Making a claim:
- A CAS card can be swiped at the doctor's office, pharmacy or other provider just like a debit card. No reimbursement or additional documentation is required unless there is an issue verifying your transaction, in which case you will be contacted by CAS. Keep documentation for possible IRS review in the event of an audit.
- You can check your balances, access claim forms, and submit reimbursements directly to Consolidated Admin Service. If your account is not setup please follow these instructions.
- Each participant will receive an email each month with a statement of recent transactions and their current balance.
- If you need further assistance please visit the Human Resources Office or email Lisa Hankins (hankins@hendrix.edu).
Dependent Childcare Expenses
This is an annual amount that you can elect at the time of hire, or during open enrollment, that can be used to pay for childcare. This benefit is also withheld on a pre-tax basis. The maximum annual election for 2024 is $5000. Unlike unreimbursed medical this money cannot be used until after it has been withheld from your pay and processed by CAS.
Making a claim:
- Claim forms, instructions, and submissions can all be found on the CAS website (instructions here). It is highly recommended that you consider using a recurring form with direct deposit in order for a hassle free reimbursement experience. The recurring form only needs to be completed at the beginning of each year.
If you have additional questions please do not hesitate to contact the Human Resources Office.
Health Savings Accounts
Contribution limits to the Health Savings Account (HSA) administered by CAS are limited based on the plan selection of the employee. Those enrolled in self-only coverage can contribute up to $4,150 per year (2024) to their HSA account on a pre-tax basis. Other coverage levels (eg. Family, EE+Spouse) may contribute up to $8,300 annually plus a catch up allowance of $1,000 for those 55 and over (as of 2024). Participation in an HSA is limited to those who elect a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP). An HSA does not have the "use it or lose it" provisions of a medical FSA, but funds are only available as they are deposited, unlike the FSA. Any balance in an HSA account belongs to an employee and can be accessed even after an employee leaves Hendrix or retires. HSA contribute amounts may be changed at any time (not only at open enrollment or with qualifying event).
In 2024, Hendrix will match the first $250 an employee contributes to their HSA.
Making a claim on your HSA account works similarly to your FSA account, and login instructions for CAS found above should be consulted. An online account MUST be created with CAS before HSA funds can be accessed through any method.