Human Resources

Absence Report Start Page

 Monthly Absence Report

 Each month all employees who accrue time must visit this website as well as report all leave time in your ADP Self-Service Portal.  "Current Period" is from the 15th of previous month - 14th of the current month.  After clicking submit you will receive further instructions on reporting your time in the ADP Portal.

I, , certify that I will report any leave time accurately for the current period in ADP. I understand that it is my responsibility to keep track of my leave time and report it accurately.  I will not disclose my ADP log-in information to another employee for the purpose of reporting leave on my behalf, or for any other reason.  I understand that if I did not take any leave time during the current period I do not need to continue to the ADP portal.

My email address is:

I did not take any leave time in the current period: