Technology Services HelpDesk

Running the Infomaker Configuration Tool


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Many times when Infomaker generates an error for only one user, or on a report that previously ran successfully, the user needs to run the configuration tool.

  1. Select Infomaker Configuration from the "GO" menu on the opening screen
  2. Click on Apply all settings at the bottom of the screen.
    • If you get a pop-up which says "The shared profiles file does not exist", go to the "Optional" tab and click ">>"  and then click "Create Shared Profiles". Then, return to the Recommended tab and "Apply all settings" if it is not grayed out.
  3. Next, close the Configuration tool and re-open Infomaker. If this is a new installation of Infomaker, you may also need to go to "DB profile".
  4. Highlight Tmseprd(Shared) and click "Connect", then close the window.
  5. Open the Library list.
  6. If there is data in it as below highlight and delete it.

You should now be able to open and run reports. If you continue to have problems, please click on the orange button on the right to Enter a HelpDesk Request.

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