Student Activities

Purchasing Information


Purchasing from Wal-Mart or Hobby Lobby:

  1. Discuss purchasing needs with your organization.
  2. Complete a Student Organization PO Form including advisor signature.
  3. Bring completed Student Organization PO Form to the Office of Student Activities.
  4. Card(s) and receipt(s) are due back to Student Activities within one business day.
  5. The individual who checks out the card(s) is responsible for all charges during possession until relieved by returning card(s) and receipt(s).
  6. Student Activities will submit all receipts to the Business Office.

Purchasing from Other Merchants:

  1. Discuss purchasing needs with your organization and advisor.
  2. Ask if business will accept Hendrix College Purchase Order.
  3. If no, talk with Student Activities about other options or purchase and request a reimbursement.
  4. If yes, complete a Student Organization PO Form and submit to Business Office.
  5. Use Purchase Order to complete purchase.
  6. Return invoice from merchant to the Business Office with PO number included.

Contracted Events or Services:

  1. All contracts MUST be signed by the Vice President for Business and Finance.
  2. Complete Student Organization PO Form.
  3. Submit Student Organization PO Form to Business Office with copy of signed contract.

Personal Reimbursements:

  1. Personal Reimbursements WILL NOT be issued for Wal-Mart purchases.
  2. Complete a Payment Request Form, including advisor signature.
  3. Submit Payment Request Form with original receipt(s) to the Business Office.

 For additional information, contact Student Activities at or (501) 450-1291