Research at Hendrix

Rebecca Callahan '09

Callahan, Rebecca

Chemistry major

Graduate student, materials chemistry, University of Colorado

Highlight quote

"Hendrix is an amazing place to learn chemistry ... From top-of-the-line professors and their innovative teaching lab programs to top-of-the-line professors and their constant encouragement."

Current projects

My research involves exploring how order and morphology in organic liquid crystal affects their ability to conduct electrons. Ultimately we hope to show that liquid crystals are well suited for organic electronics with cheap yet powerful solar energy as the Holy Grail. My day-to-day work involves designing and synthesizing new small molecules, analyzing for phases and ultimately making devices out of new materials to test conductivity.

Undergraduate Research

I was very fortunate to get work both in a lab on campus during the year and to participate in two different summer research fellowship programs during college. Each experience was unique and I essential to my decision to continue my chemistry education.

How Hendrix prepared me for success

Hendrix is an amazing place to learn chemistry, and I attribute my successes to the learning environment there. From top-of-the-line professors and their innovative teaching lab programs to top-of-the-line professors and their constant encouragement. Really, after the Flying Squirrels Ultimate Frisbee team, the best part of Hendrix is the Chemistry Department.

Future plans

My future plans include finishing my Ph.D. and thinking about how to get lay people excited about science again.

My advice

My advice is to take the courses that interest you regardless of how esoteric the subject or difficult the instructor. If it's interesting to you, the hard work will pay off.