Student Orientation Coordinators
Coordinators, besides the
staff director, are the logistical masterminds of ALL of orientation! They do
it all... from hiring and training Peer Leaders and Orientation Leaders, to
planning the week's events, and organizing each of trips' lodging, activities,
transportation and more!

Peer Leaders
Peer Leaders are in charge of a specific OR trip/Orientation
trip group. They have three Orientation Leaders to help them out. Think
of them as a substitute "parent" for OR week. They help you move in,
help plan your schedule, give you advice, and work hard all week so you can get
adjusted to campus life!

Orientation Leaders
Orientation Leaders help out with the OR trips and during OR week in general. They are the backbone of the Orientation team. Just like the Peer Leaders, they help you move in, help plan your schedule, give you advice, and work hard all week so you can get adjusted to campus life!