Research at Hendrix

Liz U. Gron

Professor of Chemistry

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin

Research interest: Development of green chemical reactions and green pedagogical materials as well as increasing the public's understanding of the power of green chemistry

Dr. Gron's core professional interests focus on the development of green chemical reactions and green pedagogical materials as well as increasing the public's understanding of the power of green chemistry. Dr. Gron's chemical research projects have included investigation of organic reactions in near-critical water to replace non-renewable petrochemical solvents as well as environmental analysis projects. Dr. Gron's educational materials development has focused on designing green experiments to teach analytical, green analytical experiments for introductory chemistry students. Recent public efforts in the area of green chemistry include multiple publications and chairing the Conference Committee for the 2009 Green Chemistry and Engineering Annual Conference. Dr. Gron's educational endeavors were recognized in 2010 when she was named the 2010 Arkansas Professor of the Year by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE).

Present research in Dr. Gron's laboratories include: environmental sampling of local water and soil to monitor for nutrient or shale oil extraction contamination, development of science literacy standards for non-science majors, and the effect of garlic derived HS- on mitochondrial function.

Recent Papers

  • "Green analytical methodologies," L. H. Keith, L. U. Gron, and J. L. Young, Chem. Rev. 107, 2007, 2695-2708.
  • "Sustain the green revolution: educating scientists and citizens," L. U. Gron, Chimica Oggi,/Chemistry Today, 25, 2007, 11-13.
  • "Green analytical chemistry: Application and education," Liz U. Gron, In Green Chemistry Education: Changing the Course of Chemistry; Anastas, P. T., Levy, I. J., Parent, K. E.; Ed. ACS Symposium Series #1011, American Chemical Society: Washington, 2009, pp 103-116.
  • "Breathing dry cleaning," Liz U. Gron. In "Chemistry for Changing Times," 12th Ed., Hill, J. W.; Kolb, D. K. Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2010.
  • "How to Recognize Success and Failure: Practical Assessment of a First-Year Laboratory Program using Simple Outcome-Based Tool," L. U. Gron, S. B. Bradley, J. R. Merritt, S. E. Williams, and M. W. Teague J. Chem. Ed. presently under review.