Student Outreach Services


With the rationale of targeting freshmen and sophomores specifically and connecting them to services, programs, and resources which are generally unrelated to academics, SOS has found that a niche is being filled for issues that have “fallen through the cracks” in the past. Most cases seen in this office take more than one visit to identify the real problem(s) of each student; oftentimes, in the past, we have been treating the wound but not the cause of the wound. After ten years of providing this service, Hendrix is truly reaching out to the whole person. We also work with upperclassmen as needed.

For each one-on-one appointment, wellness levels of mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, social, community, family, and financial are explored. SOS serves as a first, progressive step to programs, services, and resources that can reduce a lot of that first-semester stress they naturally develop.

With both intrapersonal and interpersonal communication being key factors for the success of SOS, a comprehensive approach to different channels and formats of communication is provided with the goal of encompassing all students by connecting with at least one of their critical use communication styles. Face-to-face communication is the desired outcome but understanding that students do not automatically connect face-to-face in today’s environment, other forms – such as peers, telephone, email, texting, social media, and general marketing approaches – are often employed. For this purpose, adaptability and focus are important to the SOS role.

 Methods of connecting with prevention and/or intervention programs were/are developed through both deductive and inductive programming. Seminars, workshops, courses, and general information sessions prompt curiosity and a shared sense of “we’re in this boat together” in many instances. Having an upper-class student serve as a program catalyst and mentor has validated both the importance and purpose of SOS, nonverbally encouraging students to take part because a similar student has “been there, done that” and recommends the program. 

SOS Assessment Process

SOS Assessment Cycle

SOAR House

In the Fall of 2023, SOAR has been allocated use of the Corner House, the brick facility on the corner of Spruce and Front Streets.  This will allow SOAR to have a base of operations to place SOAR members in the residence who will more intensely focus on providing support to students on an as-needed basis.  Things that could occur include, but are not limited to:

  • A Safe Haven
  • Social “Fit, or Lack Thereof
  • Homesickness
  • Disability(ies)
  • Food Insecurity (Food Pantry)
  • Low-Income Insecurity
  • Basic Needs Insecurity
  • Quieter Forms of Entertainment (Games, Movies, etc.)
  • Non-Academic Mentoring Sessions/Support
  • Sewing Supplies
  • First Aid Station
  • SOAR Recruitment
  • Small Group Meetings Not Needing Campus Facilities
  • Study Space

Limited Transportation

SOS & SOAR provide limited transportation for students in regard to legal, medical, or prescription purposes. SOS can assist in connecting students to where they need to go if advanced planning occurs.

Additional Online Services