OAAS: Advising

Leave of Absence - Withdrawal

Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Form

Leave of Absence

A student may apply for Leave of Absence status from the College under specific circumstances. Normally, Leave of Absence status is granted only for academic enrichment purposes. Leave of Absence status is limited to students in good standing who plan to return to Hendrix within the designated "leave" period. The maximum allotted time for Leave of Absence status is one calendar year from the point at which the Leave is requested.

A student who wishes to be placed on leave should complete an "Application for On-Leave" form available in the Office of Academic Planning and Career Discovery. The student should then begin the Leave of Absence Exit process with the Director of Integrated Advising, the Dean of Students, or the Coordinator of Academic Support Services.

Medical Leave

Students experiencing medical or psychological problems may request a medical leave from the College. A request for medical leave must be accompanied by a statement from an appropriate professional indicating a leave is recommended. Hendrix reserves the right to have the student examined by a physician selected by Hendrix. Students should note that preparation of this statement will require their formal consent to the release of relevant information from appropriate professionals to the College and from the College to those professionals.

Applications for medical leave will be considered by a committee convened by the Provost. A student granted a medical leave is expected to leave campus. If the last day to drop a course with no mark has passed, grades of W will be entered for all currently enrolled classes, even if the final deadline for withdrawal from classes has passed. The security deposit will be applied to the student’s account or refunded if medical leave is approved.

Students taking a medical leave after the last day to drop a class with a W in a given semester are not eligible to return to Hendrix in the fall or spring semester immediately following the semester for which the medical leave of absence is granted. After two semesters away from campus, the student will be withdrawn from the college and will be required to reapply through the Office of Admissions.  A student who wishes to return to campus following a medical leave must furnish a professional’s statement that he or she has received appropriate medical attention and is, in the professional’s expert opinion, ready to resume studies at the College. These materials must be received by the College by July 1 for the fall semester or December 1 for the spring semester. Re-enrollment approval may require meetings with appropriate college professionals upon return to campus.

Under certain circumstances, the College may require a student to take a medical leave. Such action is warranted if, in the judgment of the Provost and the Dean of Students, the student poses a threat to the lives or safety of self or others, has a medical or psychological condition that cannot be properly addressed by the College, or has a medical condition or behavior that seriously interferes with his or her ability to function and/or interferes with the educational pursuits of others.


A student who wishes to withdraw from the College should obtain a withdrawal application form (“Leave of Absence or Withdrawal from the College Application Form”) from the Office Academic Planning and Career Discovery. The student should then schedule an interview with the Director of Integrated Advising, the Dean of Students, or the Coordinator of Academic Support Services to discuss the student’s particular situation and the withdrawal process. Following this interview, the student should complete the withdrawal form, secure the signatures required by the form, and submit the completed form to the Office of the Registrar.

The student is expected to leave the campus upon the completion of the withdrawal process. A copy of the form will be sent to the student. Failure to complete the withdrawal process may seriously affect the student’s academic record as well as financial record. A student seeking to return to Hendrix subsequent to withdrawing must reapply for admission to the College. To reapply notify the Office of Admission no later than July 15 for the fall semester or December 1 for the spring semester. Withdrawals during a semester may have a negative impact on academic grades, credits, financial aid, student charges and access to housing and other College facilities. It is the responsibility of the student to understand the ramifications of his or her withdrawal and to incorporate that information into his or her decision process.

Hendrix deadlines for withdrawal from courses apply to students who withdraw. Final course grades for the semester just completed are not subject to modification for students who withdraw in the interim period between semesters. No courses may be retained by students who withdraw. Grades of incomplete (I) are not available to students who withdraw.

Students who complete a given semester at the College but do not return for the subsequent semester are considered to have withdrawn voluntarily from the College. Students who voluntarily withdraw forfeit their security deposit and may subsequently apply for readmission through the Office of Admission. The deadlines for contacting the Office of Admission to begin the readmission application process are July 1 for the fall semester and December 1 for the spring semester.

Under certain circumstances, the College may require a student to withdrawal. Such action is warranted if, in the judgment of the Provost and the Dean of Students, the student poses a threat to the lives or safety of self or others, has a medical or psychological condition that cannot be properly addressed by the College, or has a medical condition or behavior that seriously interferes with his or her ability to function and/or interferes with the educational pursuits of others. Students who withdrawal or are withdrawn from the campus for serious medical or psychological reasons will require additional documentation with their application for readmission and may be required to meet with appropriate college personnel if granted re-enrollment.