
Transfer and Placement Policies

Hendrix College, Academic Affairs - Student
Policy # 02130
Effective: Monday, October 15, 2018
Additional Authority
Responsible Party

1. Transfer Credits

Students requesting transfer credit for courses already taken must first request an official transcript from the originating institution be sent to the Office of the Registrar. Transfer credit may be accepted, subject to the following conditions and restrictions.

The course(s) offered for transfer must be comparable in academic quality to Hendrix courses, have originated at an accredited institution, and have a recorded grade of C or better. Credit or Pass grades will not be accepted in transfer. For incoming transfer students, one credit will be awarded for every four semester-hours of accepted transfer work, rounding to the nearest whole credit. Once a student has matriculated at Hendrix, one credit will be awarded for every accepted transfer course, provided the transfer course carries at least three semester-hours of academic weight.

Transfer credit must originate from courses taken at an accredited institution and those courses must appear on the student’s transcript from the originating institution. No transfer credit is awarded for courses that have been applied toward an earned baccalaureate degree.

Current students are strongly urged to seek transfer approval from their adviser and the Registrar prior to enrollment in any course for which transfer approval might be sought. A form for this purpose may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar. The number of transfer courses that can be used to fulfill graduation requirements is determined by the residency requirement in the Program for the Bachelor of Arts Degree.

If a course is accepted for transfer credit, the grade from the originating institution will not appear on the Hendrix transcript or be included in the Hendrix GPA. Transfer grades will be recorded and included in the Hendrix grade point average if Hendrix is the originating institution (such as the Accademia dell’ Arte, Costa Rica, Hendrix-in-Washington, and ROTC programs). A course transferred in as a repeat course may not be used to replace a grade earned in the original Hendrix course.

2. Advanced Placement Credits

The Advanced Placement exams and courses for which credit is granted are listed below. Credit granted for a specific course counts toward the satisfaction of any requirement toward which the listed course counts, with two exceptions: (1) Literature and Writing Courses, if taken to satisfy the Level I Writing Requirement, must be taken at Hendrix; and (2) Learning Domain requirements may not be satisfied by AP credits. A maximum of six credits may be awarded for any combination of AP, IB and Cambridge IE exams.

AP Exam Min. Score Hendrix Course Equivalent
Art—Drawing  4 One course elective in ARTS
Biology 4 *
Chemistry 4 **
Computer Science A 3 CSCI 150­ Foundations of Computer Science
Economics­—Macroeconomics 4 ECON 100­ Survey of Economic Issues
Economics­—Microeconomics 4 ECON 100­ Survey of Economic Issues
English­—Language and Composition 4 ENGL 110­ Intro to Academic Writing
English­—Literature and Composition 4 One course elective in ENGL
Environmental Science 4 BIOL 104­ Environmental Biology
History­—United States 4 One course elective in HIST 
History­—European  4 One course elective in HIST 
History­—World  4 One course elective in HIST 
Languages—Chinese (Mandarin)  CHIN 110 Chinese I 
Languages—FrenchFREN 110 First Year French I
Languages—French Literature One course elective in FREN 
Languages—German GERM 110 Elementary German I 
Languages—Latin LATI 110 Fundamentals of Latin I
Languages—Spanish SPAN 110 Fundamentals of Spanish I 
Languages—Spanish Literature SPAN 210 Conversation and Composition 
Mathematics­—Calculus AB 4 MATH 130­ Calculus I
Mathematics­—Calculus BC 3 MATH 130­ Calculus I
Mathematics—Calculus BC 4 MATH 130 Calculus I and MATH 140 Calculus II
Mathematics—Statistics 4 MATH 215 Introductory Statistics
Music 4 MUSI 201 Musicianship Skills
Physics—Physics B 4 PHYS 210 Gen. Physics I (w/Lab)
Physics—Physics 1 4 PHYS 210 Gen. Physics I (w/Lab)
Physics—Physics 2 4 PHYS 220 Gen. Physics II (w/Lab)
Physics—Physics C: Mech  4 PHYS 235 Gen. Physics I (Calculus-based w/Lab)
Physics—Physics C: E & M  4 PHYS 245 Gen. Physics II (Calculus-based w/Lab)
Politics—U.S. Government/Politics 4 One course elective in POLI
Politics—Comparative Government/Politics  4 One course elective in POLI
Psychology 4 PSYC 110 Introduction to Psychology

* Credit for BIOL 101 Concepts in Biology: Plants & People may be earned or, upon completion of BIOL 210 Botany or a more advanced core biology course, with a grade of C or better, credit for BIOL 150 Cell Biology.

** Credit for CHEM 100 Concepts of Chemistry may be earned or, upon completion of CHEM 120 General Chemistry II with a grade of C or better, credit for CHEM 110 General Chemistry I may be earned.

3. International Baccalaureate Credits

The International Baccalaureate exams and courses for which credit is granted are listed below. Credit granted for a specific course counts toward the satisfaction of any requirement toward which the listed course counts, with two exceptions: (1) Literature and Writing Courses, if taken to satisfy the Level I Writing Requirement, must be taken at Hendrix; and (2) Learning Domain requirements may not be satisfied by IB credits. A maximum of six credits may be awarded for any combination of AP, IB and Cambridge IE exams.

IB Exam Min. Score Hendrix Course Equivalent
Politics—Comparative Politics 4

One course elective in POLI

Psychology 4 PSYC 110 Introduction to Psychology
Art—Visual Arts (SL/HL) 5 One course elective in ARTS
Anthropology—Cultural & Social (SL/HL) 5 ANTH 100 Introduction to Anthropology
Biology HL 5 BIOL 101 Concepts in Biology
Business and Management HL 5 BUSI 100 Cont. Issues in Business & Entrep.
Chemistry HL 5 **
Computer Science HL 5 CSCI 150 Foundations of Computer Science
Economics HL 5 ECON 100 Cont. Issues in Business & Entrep.
English (SL/HL) 5 One course elective in ENGL
Film (SL/HL) 5 One course elective in ENGF
Languages—Chinese (Mandarin) (SL/HL)CHIN 110 Chinese I 
Languages—French (SL/HL) 5 FREN 110 French I
Languages—Greek (Ancient) (SL/HL) 5 GREE 110 Greek I
Languages—German (SL/HL) 5 GERM 110 German I
Languages—Latin (SL/HL) 5 LATI 110 Latin I
Languages—Spanish (SL/HL) 5 SPAN 110 Spanish I
History HL (any regional focus) 5 One course elective in HIST 
Mathematics—Math HL 5 MATH 130 Calculus I
Mathematics—Further Math SL 5 No course credit; QS credit only
Music (SL/HL) 5 One course elective in MUSI
Physics HL 5 PHYS 210 Gen. Physics I (w/Lab) and PHYS 220 Gen. Physics II (w/Lab)
Psychology (SL/HL) 5 PSYC 110 Introduction to Psychology
Theatre Arts (SL/HL) 5 TART 100 Introduction to Theatre

* Credit for BIOL 101 Concepts in Biology may be earned or, upon completion of BIOL 210 Botany or a more advanced core biology course, with a grade of C or better, credit for BIOL 150 Cell Biology.

** Credit for CHEM 100 Concepts of Chemistry may be earned or, upon completion of CHEM 120 General Chemistry II with a grade of C or better, credit for CHEM 110 General Chemistry I may be earned.

4. Cambridge International Examinations Credits

The Cambridge IE exams and courses for which credit is granted are listed below . Credit granted for a specific course counts toward the satisfaction of any requirement toward which the listed course counts, with two exceptions: (1) Literature and Writing Courses, if taken to satisfy the Level I Writing Requirement, must be taken at Hendrix; and (2) Learning Domain requirements may not be satisfied by Cambridge IE credits. A maximum of six credits may be awarded for any combination of AP, IB and Cambridge IE exams.

Cambridge Exams Min. Score Hendrix Equivalent Course
Accounting (A Level) B One course elective in BUSI
Biology B BIOL 100 Cont. Issues in Business & Entrep.
Business (A Level) B BUSI 100 Cont. Issues in Business & Entrep.
Business (Subsidiary Exam) A BUSI 100 Cont Issues in Business & Entrep.
Chemistry (A Level) B **
Classical Studies B CLAS 290 Topics in Classical Literature
Divinity B RELI 123 Introduction to Hebrew Bible
Economics (A Level) B ECON 100 Survey of Economic Issues
Economics (Subsidiary Exam) A ECON 100 Survey of Economic Issues
English B One course elective in ENGL
Foreign Language—French B FREN 110 French I
Foreign Language—German B GERM 110 German I
Foreign Language—Spanish B SPAN 110 Spanish I
Hinduism B RELI 223 Introduction to Hinduism
History B One course elective in HIST 
Islamic Studies B RELI 339 Contemporary Islamic Thought
Physics (A Level) B PHYS 210 Gen. Physics I (w/Lab) and PHYS 220 Gen. Physics II (w/Lab)
Psychology A PSYC 110 Introduction to Psychology

* Credit for BIOL 101 Concepts in Biology may be earned or, upon completion of BIOL 210 Botany or a more advanced core biology course, with a grade of C or better, credit for BIOL 150 Cell Biology.

** Credit for CHEM 100 Concepts of Chemistry may be earned or, upon completion of CHEM 120 General Chemistry II with a grade of C or better, credit for CHEM 110 General Chemistry I may be earned.

5. English Course Placement for International Students

All entering, degree-seeking international students are given an English placement test by Hendrix College. The purpose of the test is to evaluate international students’ English language skills in reading, listening, speaking, and writing. It is designed and administered by the English Evaluation and Placement Committee. An international standardized test such as TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) does not substitute.

Based on its review of appropriate materials, the English Evaluation and Placement Committee will:

  1. Place the student in ESOL 118 English for Academic Purposes I, or
  2. Place the student in ESOL 119 English for Academic Purposes II, or
  3. Recommend the student for ENGL 110 Introduction to Academic Writing, or
  4. Recommend the student for a 200-level English Literature course.

The Committee also reviews students’ English skills at the end of their semester in ESOL 118 or ESOL 119 to determine proper placement or recommendation, and a student may be required to repeat a course if insufficient progress has been made. ESOL 118 and ESOL 119 are taught for credit/no credit, and students will receive a grade of NC (no credit) until placed or recommended for a higher course.

Students will be enrolled in ESOL 118 or ESOL 119 the semester they receive such placement. Students shall not enroll in ENGL 110, ENGL 210, or an ENGL/ENGF 200-level course before they have received recommendation from the Committee. A recommendation of ENGL 110 or a recommendation of ENGL/ENGF 200-level class, however, is a recommendation only. Each advisee should know that the recommendation is based on review of the student’s writing by Hendrix professors and is considered to be in his or her best interests relative to academic success at Hendrix.

International, degree-seeking students who do not test out of the ESOL sequence after two academic semesters at Hendrix will be required to attend and pay for an intensive Hendrix summer language course at the end of which they will retake the English Placement Test.

Test Accommodations Option

Students currently enrolled in ESOL 118 or 119 have the option of requesting extra time (time and a half) on tests in their other classes. Students wishing to receive this help must contact their professor and the Office of Academic Support at least three days before the test on which they would like extra time.

English Placement and the College's Graduation Requirement in Writing

Neither ESOL 118 nor ESOL 119 may be used to meet the College's Level I writing requirement (W1). Upon recommendation for ENGL 110 or a 200 level English literature course, students must complete and pass with a grade of C or better one such course coded W1. The one exception to this rule concerns international students who transfer from an accredited U.S. university with a course credit in English composition; such transfers may elect to satisfy the W1 graduation requirement by passing the W1 Writing Exam administered through the College's Writing Center.

6. Credit Based on Departmental Placement Policy

The Departments of Languages, Music, and Mathematics and Computer Science have placement policies that may result in a course credit being awarded after completion of a higher level course. The total number of additional credits in each discipline that can be obtained by a student under these policies is limited to one credit.


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