Sustainability at Hendrix

In The Village

  • A walkable community: The Village at Hendrix will be built in the New Urbanism style with mixed-use development the way towns and neighborhoods used to be. The shops, restaurants and movie theater will be mixed in among residential buildings, all within easy walking distance of the college. The new development will implicitly encourage walking and biking.
  • Building green: The College and its developer, TNDP, are working to construct "green" buildings to the maximum extent possible. TNDP has previously implemented successful green builder programs that had little impact upon the cost of construction, and is working with builders in The Village to repeat those results.
  • Keeping trees: The new construction will require the removal of a grove of pine trees, which were planted years ago as a cash crop. Although many pines will be cut down to make space for the new development, the College is committed to preserving the healthy, viable hardwood trees in the area. Hendrix also plans to add hardwood trees to the new neighborhood and maintain green spaces, to preserve some of the open feeling of the pine forest.