The Writing Center

We are open! Book an appointment.


Welcome to The Writing Center.  

We look forward to working with you.

We take our appointments in person. However, we can hold virtual appointments for medical reasons--for example, if you need to isolate or quarantine. Also, we can assist you remotely if you are away from campus on a college-related activity. Clear all requests for online appointments with Felipe Pruneda Sentíes, Director, at

Here's information on how remote appointments work.

Contact Director Pruneda Sentíes if you have any questions or concerns. 

Best of luck!

Writing can be a lonely activity, but it is much, much better when it is not. Testing your writing with an audience before you submit it is a valuable skill. The Hendrix College Writing Center is a collaborative place where trained readers assist you in sharpening your words. We are devoted to giving students the tools to become more confident and efficient writers. 

Regardless of major, Writing Associates - all fellow students - assist writers in developing academic writing skills and strategies such as...

  • analyzing assignments
  • finding personal inspiration for a topic
  • writing to a general or specific audience
  • revising to improve the flow of ideas
  • using proper style to format a paper and to cite sources
  • identifying and avoiding frequent grammar and wording errors
  • working with peers to elicit feedback on writing

Associates will not plagiarize by... 

  • editing a student's paper to fix all grammar and wording errors
  • writing or rewriting any part of a paper

To get the most out of a visit, students should bring...

  • the professor's description of assignment
  • ideas about how to approach the topic
  • a printout of the work completed so far
  • specific questions to ask the associate about the paper

Schedule & Contact Information


We will have in-person appointments in the first floor of the East Wing at Bailey Library. Virtual appointments are available by permission only.

Hours of Operation  

Monday-Thursday, 1:00-10:00 p.m.

Sunday, 6:00-10:00 p.m.

Spring 2025 Schedule

Contact Us