
Academic Status

Hendrix College, Academic Affairs - Student
Policy # 02140
Effective: Monday, October 15, 2018
Additional Authority
Responsible Party

1. Dean's List

At the conclusion of each semester, the Office of Academic Affairs publishes a list of students who, completing no fewer than four whole credit courses in the semester for a letter grade, have received no grade other than A. Note that students who choose to apply the courses taken for credit only policy in a given semester will not meet the criteria for the Dean’s List in that semester. Note also that students who enroll for activity courses or graded activity courses will not meet the criteria for the Dean’s List unless they receive credit for the activity courses and an A for any graded activity course.

2. Good Academic Standing

A full-time student must meet the following standards for academic performance and progress to qualify as a student in good standing:

  • The student’s cumulative GPA must meet or exceed the following thresholds as determined by the student’s entrance year:
    • First-year students – 1.75;  
    • Sophomores or above – 2.0.
  • The student must have earned at least
    • 6 course credits after the first year of academic study,
    • 13 credits after the second year,
    • 20 credits after the third year,
    • 27 credits after the fourth year,
    • and credits sufficient for graduation after five years of academic study.
  • The student's major GPA must meet or exceed 2.0.
  • The total number of incomplete grades I and unforgiven failing grades F on the student’s transcript may not exceed four.
  • The student has not received a major academic integrity violation.  

3. Academic Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal

Probation.  Except in the case of extenuating circumstances, a student who fails to meet one or more of the academic performance standards outlined in Good Academic Standing will be placed on academic probation, effective immediately. The Registrar may remove a student from academic probation when the student meets each of the minimum academic performance standards and returns to good academic standing.

Suspension.  A student remaining on academic probation after two consecutive semesters is subject to academic suspension for one semester. A student who is academically suspended may not enroll for classes at Hendrix during the suspension period. Following the academic suspension period, a student wishing to return to Hendrix must apply for readmission through the Office of Admission.  A student on academic suspension may choose to complete courses at another institution.  To determine whether such courses would receive transfer credit at Hendrix, the student should check with the Registrar’s Office prior to enrolling in any courses at another institution.

Dismissal.  A student who has been readmitted to the College after academic suspension may be dismissed from the College if academic performance standards are not maintained. A student who is academically dismissed is barred from all further enrollment and may not be readmitted to the College. 

Academic Integrity.  Students found responsible for major academic integrity violations may also be penalized by probation, suspension, or dismissal in severe cases.

Notification.  Students and their advisors are notified by email.  Parents or guardians are notified by mail if the students are FERPA dependent.  Students should consult Financial Aid about any implications for the students' aid packages.   

Appeals.  Students who have been suspended or dismissed may appeal to the Provost within three days of notification.  Students who appeal should submit a written statement to the Provost that

  • Explains what happened to put the student in the current academic situation,
  • Details any mitigating circumstances, and
  • Explains what the student will do differently to meet academic performance standards.  

The Provost discusses appeals with appropriate offices and individuals on campus, such as Academic Success, academic advisors, Student Affairs, and the Registrar.  The outcome of an appeal may result in allowing the student to remain on campus under specific guidelines or upholding the suspension or dismissal.

4. Study Abroad Status

A student who is accepted for study through any of the Hendrix College Study Abroad Programs will be placed on Study Abroad Status. The Office of International Programs will transmit notice of this status to the Office of the Registrar once a student’s placement in the study abroad program is confirmed. To be eligible for this status, the student’s GPA and major GPA must both be 2.0 or greater (however, some Hendrix and other study abroad programs require a higher minimum GPA). It is important to note that Study Abroad Status is distinguished from Leave of Absence status in that students enrolled in such programs are considered, academically, to be enrolled at Hendrix.

5. Leave of Absence

What is a leave of absence?  Under certain circumstances a student may apply for Leave of Absence status from the College. Leave of Absence status indicates a continuing relationship with the College that allows the student to resume studies within a particular time-frame without reapplication for admission. Leave of Absence status is limited to students who plan to return to Hendrix within the designated leave period. The maximum allotted time for Leave of Absence status is one full semester from the point at which the leave is requested.

How do I apply for a leave of absence?

  • Obtain a Leave of Absence application form from the Office of Advising and Academic Success. 
  • Schedule an exit interview with one of the following offices: Dean of Students, Academic Success, or Student Outreach. 
  • Following the interview, the student should complete the leave of absence form, sign and submit the completed form to the Office of the Registrar.

What happens to my grades if I take a leave of absence?

  • A student requesting a leave of absence before the last day to withdraw from classes with a W will be dropped from all courses for which the student is currently enrolled and for any classes in a future semester for which the student is currently registered. 
  • Students requesting a leave of absence during the semester, but after the date to withdraw from courses with a W, receive the grades that they have earned in the courses.
  • Grades of I (incomplete) and NR (no report) are not available to students who take a leave of absence. 
  • Students who have NR and/or grades on the transcript on the date the leave is approved will retain those existing NR and/or I grades subject to the associated policy deadlines for conversion of these grades.  If any of these grades remain as or NR upon return to Hendrix, the student will have one semester to resolve how these grades, as well as any in progress capstone project grades, will be resolved using a new deadline.  

What are other implications of a leave of absence?

  • Students are expected to leave the campus upon completion of the leave of absence process and are not permitted on campus for reasons other than official College business.
  • Taking a leave of absence may have a negative impact on grades, credits, financial refunds, financial aid, student charges and access to housing and other College facilities
  • It is the student’s responsibility to understand these ramifications.
  • Students who do not return to Hendrix within two semesters are considered to have withdrawn voluntarily from the College and forfeit their security deposit. Students who voluntarily withdraw may reapply for admission through the Office of Admission.

6. Medical Leave

What is a medical leave?  Students experiencing health problems may request a medical leave from the College to give them time to recuperate.  A student granted a medical leave is required to leave campus and is not permitted on-campus during the leave for any reason other than official Hendrix business.  Under certain circumstances, the College may require a student to take a medical leave. Such action is warranted if, in the judgment of the Provost and the Dean of Students, the student poses a threat to the safety of others or has behavior that seriously interferes with his or her ability to function and/or with the educational pursuits of others. 

How do I apply for a medical leave?  

  • Schedule a meeting with the Director or Assistant Director of Academic Success to review the process for seeking a medical leave.
  • Obtain a statement from an appropriate professional indicating a leave is recommended for medical reasons and have it sent to the Director of Academic Success. Hendrix reserves the right to have the student examined by a physician selected by Hendrix. Students should note that preparation of this statement will require their formal consent to the release of relevant information from appropriate professionals to the College and from the College to those professionals.
  • Complete the Medical Leave form, secure the signatures, and submit the completed form to the Office of the Registrar. The Medical Leave completion process can be assisted by appropriate college personnel when conditions deem such assistance is in the student’s best interest. 

How is a medical leave approved?  Applications for medical leave will be considered by a committee convened by the Provost after the Registrar has a completed form and the medical professional statement has been received.  The Director of Academic Success  notifies the student by e-mail when the medical leave is approved.  The student's security deposit will be applied to the student’s account or refunded if medical leave is approved.

What happens to my grades during a medical leave?

  • If the last day to drop a course with no grade has passed, grades of W will be entered for all currently enrolled classes, even if the final deadline to withdraw from classes has passed. 
  • Students who have NR and/or grades on the transcript on the date the leave is approved will retain those existing NR and/or I grades.  Upon return to Hendrix the student will have one semester to resolve how these grades, as well as any in progress capstone project grades, will be resolved using a new timeline. 

How do I come back to Hendrix?

  • A student taking a medical leave after the last day to drop a class with a W in a given semester cannot return to Hendrix in the fall or spring semester immediately following the semester for which the medical leave of absence is granted.  Exceptions to this policy must be approved by a committee appointed by  the Provost.
  • A student who wishes to return to campus following a medical leave must furnish a professional’s statement that he or she has received appropriate medicalattention and is, in the professional’s expert opinion, ready to resume studies at Hendrix. These materials must be received by the Director of Academic Success by July 1 for the fall semester or December 1 for the spring semester. Re-enrollment approval may require adherence to certain conditions and commitment to meetings with appropriate college professionals upon return to campus.
  • After two semesters away from campus, the student will be withdrawn from the college and will be required to reapply through the Office of Admissions.

7. Withdrawal from the College

What is withdrawal from the College?  Students who withdraw from the College are no longer enrolled at Hendrix and are expected to leave the campus upon submission of a withdrawal form.  No courses can be continued that are in progress when the withdrawal occurs.  Under certain circumstances, the College may require a student to withdraw.  Such action is warranted if, in the judgement of the Provost and the Dean of Students, a student poses a threat to the safety of others or has behavior that seriously interferes with the student's ability to function and/or interferes with the educational pursuits of others.

How do I apply to withdraw from the College?

  • Obtain a withdrawal form from the Office of Advising and Academic Success. 
  • Schedule an exit interview with the Director of Advising, the Dean of Students, the Director of Academic Success or the Director of Student Outreach to discuss the student’s particular situation. 
  • Following this interview, the student should complete the withdrawal form, secure the signatures required by the form, and submit the completed form to the Office of the Registrar.
  • The student will receive a copy of the accepted withdrawal form from the College.
  • Students who complete a given semester at the College but do not return for the subsequent semester are considered to have withdrawn voluntarily from the College.

What happens to my grades if I withdraw?

  • Hendrix deadlines for withdrawal from courses apply to students who withdraw from the College.
  • Final course grades for the semester just completed are not subject to modification for students who withdraw in the interim period between semesters.  Grades of I (incomplete) and NR (no report) are not available to students who withdraw.
  • Students who have NR and/or grades on the transcript on the date the withdrawal is approved will retain those existing NR and/or I grades subject to the associated policy deadlines for conversion of these grades.  If any of these grades remain as or NR upon return to Hendrix, the student will have one semester to resolve how these grades, as well as any in progress capstone project grades, will be resolved using a new deadline. 

What are other implications of a withdrawal?

  • A withdrawal during a semester may have a negative impact on academic grades, credits, financial aid, student charges and access to housing and other College facilities. 
  • Students who voluntarily withdraw forfeit their security deposit.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to understand the ramifications of withdrawal and to incorporate that information into the decision making process.

How do I come back to Hendrix?

  • To reapply, students must submit the appropriate application to the Office of Admission no later than July 1 for the fall semester or December 1 for the spring semester. 
  • Students who withdraw or are withdrawn from the College for serious medical or psychological reasons will require additional documentation with their application for readmission and may be required to meet certain conditions and attend meetings with appropriate college personnel if granted re-enrollment.


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