Arkansas Governor’s School 2008 Activities Schedule
Required events are starred (*)
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6
Week 1: Sunday, June 15 - Sunday, June 22
June 16
WAC Climbing Wall
Mills A
June 17
Edith Widder: "New Technologies to Explore the Deep Sea"
Activity Committee ApplicationsHave creative ideas for social events? Pick up an application for the Social Activities Committee from Tim during lunch.
Recreation Committee ApplicationsDo you like to play sports? Pick up an application for the Recreation Committee from Wes during lunch.
AGS Newsletter Committee ApplicationsIf you have some journalism experience or you want to try it out, pick up an application. The newsletter will be a weekly publication distributed to all students, faculty, and staff.
Sign Up for TripsHere is your chance to visit some unique locations. If you are interested in going on a trip during AGS, then sign up Monday or Tuesday at lunch. There are a limited number of seats available.
Mark Elrod: “Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Machiavelli (but were too Afraid to Ask)” The political philosophy of Niccolo Machiavelli in fifty minutes!
Houston Hughes: “Slam: The Art of Performance Poetry”Poetry has moved from the page to the stage. Slam poetry is part rap-battle, part stage performance, and all high-adrenaline. In these workshops, students will learn about slam, develop poems, and meet local poets. The class will culminate in an actual slam for their fellow AGS attendees.
Catherine Swift: “Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D.)Learn about the use of therapy animals in academic reading programs.
Stacy Key: “AGS Community: What is it?”You have expectations about AGS and what you want to get from it. Come become a part of a group that will shape the AGS Community.
Martha Gary and Joe Guy: “InuYasha Anime Series and Discussion”Viewing and discussion of the series itself as well as Japanese religions and mythology.
Dodge Ball / Star WarsCome play generic dodge ball and a variation on the game that features Jedi Knights and a Jedi Master on each team.
Human Scavenger HuntGet to know the campus faculty and staff by deciphering riddles and performing random tasks. The winning team receives a prize.
Rock Climbing CertificationCome get certified for the rock climbing wall in the WAC! Students, faculty, and staff are welcome.
Firefly SeriesJoin faculty and staff in watching a science-fiction television series created by Joss Whedon. The show takes place in space but is modeled after old Westerns.Ivy Renfro: “Holocaust Denial and the Legend of Anne Frank”The Jewish diarist Anne Frank serves as the most emblematic Holocaust figure to date. As a consequence, her diary is repeatedly attacked as a forgery and falsehood by Holocaust deniers and revisionist historians. Come and learn about Holocaust denial, revisionist history, and what it is about Anne’s diary that attracts so much heat from historians, playwrights, and philosophers. Discussion to follow. Video footage included.
Ask the DirectorAsk the AGS director anything you want to ask him.
Debbie Hibbs: “Weightlifting, Wellness, and Women (Men Welcome, Too!)”Why is strength training an important part of overall fitness? Will women really get “big” if they lift weights? Where do I start? How can I stay motivated? After this discussion, we will visit the Hendrix Wellness Center where Eric Maxwell, a certified Personal Trainer, will share a beginning weightlifting program, demonstrate proper technique, and answer questions. Wear workout clothes and join the Summer of Fitness!
Gerry Gibson: “Stravinsky’s Ballet: The Firebird”Come see a presentation of the Royal Ballet’s production of Igor Stravinsky’s ballet The Firebird filmed live at Covent Garden.
RacquetballCome learn to play racquetball, a fast-paced racquet sport requiring less skill than tennis but allowing for much more creative attempts at scoring.
Star Wars Series: A New HopeFans and casual moviegoers alike are welcome to come watch George Lucas’s “space opera.” This series will show one Star Wars movie a week in order of release.
Yoga for Everybody! SignupsThere are only a limited number of spaces available, so be sure to get your name on the roster! This weekly yoga session is meant for beginners.
Yoga and Meditation for BeginnersCome to a weekly session of meditation and yoga with Peggy Scranton. No previous experience needed. Bring a bath towel or mat.Monica Kuhlman & Elizabeth Philpott: “National Parks of the American West”Join us as we embark on a photo tour of some of nature’s most spectacular landscapes in America’s National parks of the West.
Rick Dimond, Jake Hardin, Perry Johnson, & Chris Rupert: “Not Just a Jam Session”Come learn about musical improvisation. There are techniques of improvisation for any instrumentalists which can be applied to Jazz, Rock, Pop, and other styles. All instruments and singers, any level of proficiency (including beginners), observers, listeners, and guests welcome!
Evan Rogers: “Park Design Considerations: Designing a Better Dog Park”Come consider a case study of dog parks and the reasons people go outside.
Lars Seme: “Voting Methods”Is there a fair way to decide elections involving three or more candidates? We will consider different methods and consider their fairness.
AGS Gospel Choir Interest MeetingIf you are a singer, a musician, or just someone who loves music, come out and get some information about the AGS gospel choir, as led by Pamela and Perry Johnson.
Karaoke NightTake your vocals from the shower to the stage!
Rock ClimbingClimbing on rocks…What could be more fun?!
Richard Gobble: “Deconstructing the Death Penalty”A critical examination of capital punishment.
Rita Tekippe: “How to Look Like a Leader: Imagery for Rulers”Dating as far back as the time of Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Emperors (11th – 13th centuries), rulers have used art in many forms to promote ideas of who they were or what they could do for you.
Christopher Simeone: “Will of the People? Aesthetics of Popular Government”We think of democracy as serving the will of governed citizens. But how does representation work as figurative device in our understanding of popular democracy? Can we find the will of the people?
Dress Theme: MismatchClose your eyes and open the closet. Wear whatever you find!
Yoga PracticeThis weekly yoga class is for students interested in a longer session than the Beginner’s yoga class and for students who already practice yoga. Bring a bath towel or mat.
Katie Speights: “Wanna Paint? Watercolor and Colored Pencil Technique”Do you have a desire to create but no time do it? Then come to this fun workshop!
Lyle Rupert: “Sudoku and Kakuro Logic Puzzles”Do you do Sudoku or Kakuro puzzles? Want to learn and share strategies and learn new tricks? Join us!
Chad Terrell: “Were Bugs Bunny, Popeye, and Superman Racist?”Not long ago, these icons promoted racial stereotyping. We will use them to talk about issues such as the responsibility of mass media and censorship. Please note: the examples to be explored do involve old, but still likely offensive, stereotyping.
VolleyballA standard game of volleyball to help you relax and run around. There is the possibility of playing a small round-robin tournament depending on how many people show up.
Area IV Variety ShowDon’t miss the faculty and staff showing off their talents in a variety show hosted by Area IV!
Yoga for Everybody!Beginning level yoga instruction and practice for all body types and levels of fitness. Please bring a towel and/or yoga mat.
Clinton LibraryIf you are selected from the trip signups, meet at the Altus Bell for a special inaugural viewing of “Breaking the Veil,” an exhibit of art by Muslim women from Jordan. This viewing is exclusive for AGS students. You will return before dinner.
Giant SudokuWork with a team to solve a brick patio-sized puzzle. No paper allowed.
Frisbee Golf (Frolf)A game with rules very similar to golf, except it is played with a Frisbee. An object is chosen as the “hole,” and the point of the game is to hit the “hole” with the Frisbee with the fewest throws possible.
Christian DevotionalJoin Ed Crews for a weekly student-led Christian Devotional in the Burrow.
AGS Gospel ChoirMembers of the choir are asked to come every Saturday to rehearse.
Dance MixerFeel like dancing? Celebrate the first week of AGS in the brick pit with music and friends.
Superhero Sunday: Batman BeginsSuperhero summer blockbusters are appearing at AGS every Sunday! Don’t miss out. This week, Batman Begins is showing.
Ballroom DancingCome out and learn to ballroom dance! Featuring the waltz, salsa, and tango.
AGS Idol AuditionsDo you think you have what it takes to become the next AGS Idol? Come audition for the weekly competition and try to impress the judges.
Week 2: Monday, June 23 - Sunday, June 30
June 23
June 24
AGS T-Shirt Design ContestWant to help design the 2008 AGS t-shirt? Submit a design idea in any medium to Erin Nixon in the AGS Main Office. Designs as well as ideas are accepted. Design selections will be voted on by the student body. Show us your creativity and draw something fun! Any questions or digital submissions should be emailed to Erin at
AGS Photo ContestPhoto contest open to all AGS students. Submit up to three pictures a week to One will be selected to be included in the AGS Newsletter each week. Preference is given to pictures with faces and people doing activities/participating in events. Send in your pictures this week by Wednesday at 4 pm to be considered. **All photos submitted may be used in AGS publications.
Lars Seme: “Fair Division—How to Divide a Cookie”When two people divide a cookie, one cuts and the other chooses. What if there are more than two people? We will consider applications to land use and conflict management.
Ultimate FrisbeeThe most fun sport ever thought-up. Players on each team attempt to throw a Frisbee to teammates and catch the disc in the end zone.
Tim Purkiss: “Documentary: Rize”Watch a documentary about hip-hop clowns and the dance phenomenon called Krumping that is sweeping through South Central, Los Angeles.
Richard Gobble: “Magic Bullets, Grassy Knolls, and Smoking Guns”A critical analysis of the warren commission and subsequent investigations into the death of JFK.
Firefly SeriesJoin faculty and staff in watching a science-fiction television series created by Joss Whedon. The show takes place in space but is modeled after old Westerns.
Open Mic NightShare your writing, music, stand-up comedy, or random thoughts in a comfortable setting. Material must be appropriate.
Hip-Hop WorkshopCome to a beginner hip-hop dance class with an emphasis on self-expression and social development. This is a one-hour class with two classes a week.
K. Hill & A. Ramey: “A Bound Man: Why We Are Excited About Obama and Why He Can’t Win”In this discussion we will critically analyze arguments and social commentary presented in Shelby Steele’s recent book, A Bound Man: Why We Are Excited About Obama and Why He Can’t Win, as it relates to race in America.
AGS LeadershipCome participate in leadership building exercises and become a prominent member of the AGS community. Student led.
Tim Purkiss: “AGS Newsletter Committee Meeting”Members will meet with Tim Purkiss to work on the AGS newsletter.
SoftballCome for a nice friendly game of slow pitch softball. It gives students a chance to practice for the student/staff softball game.
Phillip Spivey: “Modern Turkey: Separation of Mosque and State”Modern Turkey was founded in 1923, and adopted wide-ranging social, legal, and political reforms that paved the way for a Republican Parliamentary Democracy. Find out how Turkey has maintained a secular government in a nation that is 99.8% Muslim.
Lyle Rupert: “Pipe Organ Extravaganza”Come and hear a little Bach, Handel, and Pachelbel on the Chapel organ. This program will be short enough to stay interesting but long enough to show the organ’s versatility.
Videogame NightMiss your videogames? Come play Wii, Gamecube, and X-box 360. Games available to suit the skills of both gamers and non-gamers.
Yoga and Meditation for BeginnersCome to a weekly session of meditation and yoga with Peggy Scranton. No previous experience needed. Bring a bath towel or mat.
Morgan Hicks: “The Elizabethans—What Was Up With Them?”As we get ready to enjoy Shakespeare’s classic tragedy “Romeo & Juliet,” we will take a guided tour of zany Elizabethan England to understand the way of life of his original audiences. Some highlights include bear-baiting, witch-drowning, and using leaches to achieve a lovely white complexion. Oh, the price of beauty!
Rick Dimond: “Another Improvisation Session”Come to hear more tunes and learn more strategies for musical improvisation. All levels of musicians and friends of musicians are invited and encouraged to participate.
Romeo and JulietAt this required event, you will go see the Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre perform Romeo and Juliet. The buses will take two dorms at a time: first, Hardin and Veasey will be escorted to the theatre; then, Martin and Raney will be escorted. The return trip will be made in the same order.
Ivy Renfro: “Old-Fashioned Taffy Pull”Come learn about candy-making history, get a few recipes, and learn how to make salt water taffy. Using hands alone, we will transform a tray of sticky goo into delicious saltwater taffy during this event. Everyone can come watch and listen, but show up early if you want to pull some taffy—supplies are limited to the first 30 people.
Carey Voss & Gabrielle Idlet: “Radical Service”An open discussion about what you can do to help others. Bring your experiences and suggestions!
Daniel Fleming: “Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial”Why is intelligent design not taught alongside evolution as a competing theory? This seminar brings to light why I.D. is bad science—if science at all.
Variety GamesPlay a handful of games including Ping-pong, 21, Knock-out, and Horse.
The Truman ShowLook at the life of insurance salesman Truman Burbank (Jim Carey), and watch him in his search for truth.
Kelly Hill: “Educational Disparities in Vietnam Today”We will discuss education reform and inequities among gender, geography, ethnicity, and class in Vietnam today.
Tim Purkiss “Social Activities Committee Meeting”Members of the Social Activities Committee will meet with Social Activities Director Tim Purkiss to discuss the upcoming week.
AGS Drama – A Night of Comedy ImprovCome join the AGS Drama students for a night of improvisational fun as they think fast on their feet, take suggestions from the audience, and create a night of live theatre right before your very eyes!
Heifer ProjectThis trip is for people who signed up to visit the Heifer Ranch in Perryville. If your name is on the roster, you are required to attend.
Rock Climbing TechniqueA class-like activity which helps students understand the physics of rock climbing and learn how to progress physically and technically.
Quiz BowlDorms will form two teams each to compete in a round-robin tournament. Winners will compete again later in the summer to determine the AGS Quiz Bowl champion.
Star Wars Series: The Empire Strikes BackFans and casual moviegoers alike are welcome to come watch George Lucas’s “space opera.” This series will show one Star Wars movie a week in order of release.
BasketballLace up your sneakers and put on your knee-high socks. Jump into a pick-up game in the WAC!
The TempestThis trip is for people who signed up to see the Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre perform The Tempest. If your name is on the roster, you are required to attend. The buses will take two dorms at a time: first, Hardin and Veasey will be escorted to the theatre; then, Martin and Raney will be escorted. The return trip will be made in the same order.
AGS Gospel Choir RehearsalMembers of the choir are asked to come every Saturday to rehearse.
Concert: Candice HudsonThis AGS alumna will be playing some original acoustic rock along with a few covers for your entertainment.
Concert: The DarksuitsIf you like folk or prog rock, then come check out this band from Fayetteville. Band members include Sam Dudley, Trevor Bates, Tom Fetner, and Aaron Shaneyfelt.
Superhero Sunday: Spider-manSuperhero summer blockbusters are appearing at AGS every Sunday! Don’t miss out. This week, Spider-man is showing.
Four SquareThe classic four player playground game played with rubber playground balls. Players try to knockout each other by forcing others to make bad shots.
SoccerGooooooaaaaaaaaaallllllll! Depending on the number of people that show up, this game may be played either inside or outside, but, regardless of where, it will certainly be fun.
Masked and AnonymousBob Dylan plays Jack Fate, a former traveling troubadour who is sprung from jail by his scheming manager to headline a misguided benefit concert. This film also features amazing live performances by Bob Dylan and his touring band.
AGS Idol AuditionsWho will be the next AGS Idol? Come watch, listen, and vote. See which contestants will make it to the next week.
Week 3: Monday, June 30 - Wednesday, July 2 and Sunday, July 6
**Please Note:--Lunch will not be served on Wednesday, July 2. --Students must check in with their Hall Director between 6 pm and 8 pm on Sunday, July 6. Dinner will not be served.
Reminders:* Bring back clothes for a Throwback Mixer (1960s-1990s), Superhero Day, and Crazy Tie Day. * The student talent show auditions will be July 9, so practice over the break and bring back any music, clothes, instruments, etc. that you may need.
AGS Photo ContestDon’t forget to submit contest photos to
SoftballCome play another game of normal softball and have some practice time for the staff/student game in Week 5.
Wes Wallace: “Global Sustainability – Food and Energy” Part IDuring the past fifty years, all of the nations of planet Earth have become increasingly dependent upon a finite and ever-decreasing supply of fossil fuels. We will discuss the most viable alternative energy strategies and technologies.
Blaine True: “Spanish Made Easy/Conversational Spanish Workshop”Clase de Español. Spanish made easy, for all those who would like to learn or practice a useful language.
Art ExhibitionThe Visual Arts students will be displaying their artwork in Mills, so come to see what they have been working on.
Choral and Instrumental PerformanceChoral and Instrumental Music will be putting on a performance for AGS.
Games MixerCome meet new people, listen to music, pay some games, or learn some new games before you leave for break.
KickballThe classic playground game with rules like baseball. However, instead of hitting a baseball, you kick a playground ball.
Wes Wallace: "Global Sustainability – Food and Energy Part II"Learn about how changing patterns of land use, agricultural methods, and freshwater management over the past fifty years have seriously impacted the ability of our planet to supply the amount of food necessary for a growing world population.
Dr. Jesse Butler: “How to be Open-Minded Without Letting Your Brain Fall Out”What does it mean to be open-minded? Is it possible to be too open-minded, as the common advice “don’t be too open-minded or your brain will fall out” suggests? Drawing upon the recent turn in epistemology towards intellectual virtue theory, Dr. Butler will argue that it is not possible. This discussion will explain and defend this perspective on open-mindedness and illustrate how it can be put to work in dealing with the perennial mind/body problem.
Debbie Hibbs: “Wellness, Women, and Weightlifting”Come to ask questions about strength training or to check your progress from last session. Learn even more about staying fit!
Katie Pratt: “The Devil Came on Horseback” Part OneThis documentary shows the genocide in Darfur, Sudan. It stars Brian Steidle, the U.S. Marine Captain that witnessed the genocide.
Wesley Beal: “Space as Narrative, or, Reading Walt Disney World”How does spatial organization tell a story? We’ll explore spatial narrative by “reading” Disney theme parks like the Magic Kingdom and Epcot.
Natural State Brass BandThis required performance showcases the talented Natural State Brass Band.
Star Wars Series: Return of the JediFans and casual moviegoers alike are welcome to come watch George Lucas’s “space opera.” This series will show one Star Wars movie a week in order of release.
Ballroom DancingAnother introduction to ballroom dancing. Included dances are the waltz, salsa, and tango. If you came to Ballroom Dancing the first time, you are encouraged to come participate and practice. Last time, some girls lacked partners, so, please, guys don’t be shy.
Week 4: Sunday, July 6 - Sunday, July 13
Worship ServiceCome to a brief service of worship including hymns, scriptures, and prayers.
Ballroom DancingAnother introduction to ballroom dancing. Included dances are the waltz, salsa, and tango. If you came to Ballroom Dancing the first time, you are encouraged to come participate and practice. Last time, some girls lacked partners, so, please, guys, don’t be shy.
AGS Photo ContestPhoto contest open to all AGS students. Submit up to three pictures a week to One will be selected to be included in the AGS Newsletter each week. Preference is given to pictures with faces and people doing activities/participating in events. Send in your pictures this week by Wednesday at 4 pm to be considered. All photos submitted may be used in AGS publications.
Talent Show AuditionsDo you like the spotlight? Come audition for a spot in the student talent show on July 18. Bring any materials you may need, such as CDs or instruments. All types of talent are welcome. You must sign up if you want to audition.
Bullet Chess Tournament SignupsSign up to play in a fast-paced chess tournament.
Evan Rogers: “DIY Audio: A Demonstration of Homemade Stereo Projects”In this discussion, Evan will show off his homemade speakers and headphone amplifier and talk about how to read schematics. He will also discuss some of the principles behind sound reproduction.
Lip Sync Contest Interest MeetingIf you can’t sing but like to pretend you can, then come to this interest meeting for the Lip Sync Contest that will occur on July 11. Come individually or with a group. Think about costumes and songs.
VolleyballFor those of you who missed the first volleyball game, don’t worry, we’re having another one!
Christine Faubel: “Applying Concepts from Renaissance Art to Contemporary Thought” Part OneThe first part of a series exploring two culturally monumental events in human society and how thoughts from each shift relates to our way of thinking today. Each lecture will start with a presentation and end with a discussion. The first lecture will concern the 13th-16th centuries during the Renaissance.
Intermediate Ballroom: TangoA half-hour session of beginner moves as a refresher leading into an hour of new tango moves.
T-Shirt OrdersT-shirt orders will be taken from 9:00-10:30 pm in the Residence Halls. To order a shirt, go to the lobby of your Residence Hall on Monday or Tuesday with $5 and place an order. Your order cannot be taken if you do not have the money.
Hip-Hop WorkshopCome to a beginner hip-hop dance class with an emphasis on self-expression and social development. This is a one-hour class with two classes each week.
AGS LeadershipCome participate in student-led leadership building exercises.
Cody Hooks: "No Coal Arkansas"Come hear a discussion concerning the issue of using coal as an energy source by an organizer with the Ecological Conservation Organization.
Martha Gary and Joe Guy: “Miyazaki Anime Movies”Discussion of the director and his anime movies as well as Japanese religions and mythology.
Spencer Sutterfield: “Acting 101”Whether you are an experienced actor or just curious, come learn the basics of acting and have fun in the process. Wear comfortable clothes and be ready to move! *Not recommended for students whose Area I is Drama.
Flag FootballA safe game of football where you “tackle” someone by grabbing one of their flags. You are welcome to participate or to cheer on your friends.
Katie Pratt: “The Devil Came on Horseback” Part TwoThis documentary shows the genocide in Darfur, Sudan. It stars Brian Steidle, the U.S. Marine Captain that witnessed the genocide.
Alison Boland: “Making Memorials: Monuments vs. Counter-monuments in Contemporary Germany”What if a nation's most memorable historical moment is a dark one? How do you construct national monuments, and what do they look like? In this discussion, we will look at some of the issues surrounding memorialization in contemporary Germany and see examples of recently constructed “Counter-monuments.”
Bullet Chess TournamentIn this fast-paced chess tournament, each side will have a limited amount of time to move. This tournament will be round-robin form with points awarded for wins and draws.
Star Wars Series: The Phantom MenaceFans and casual moviegoers alike are welcome to come watch George Lucas’s “space opera.” This series will show one Star Wars movie each week in order of release.
Princess MononokeCome watch the popular anime film, Princess Mononoke.
Katie Pratt: “What You Need to Know for the MCAT Physical Sciences Section: Physics Session”For those of you interested in medical school, you can never begin studying too early for the MCAT. Come learn about key physics concepts needed for the physical sciences section. Be sure to bring paper!
Chris Russell: “Allegories in the Movies”This presentation will show hidden allegories in the greatest movies of all time.
Rick Dimond: “Nothin’ But Blues”Improvisation lab for instrumentalists and singers; observers welcome! This week, we'll play strictly Blues tunes from Miles' “All Blues” to Sonny Rollins' “Sunny Moon for Two.” All levels of musicians are welcome to join us!
Freeze Tag (with Chinese Freeze Tag)Come play a giant game of freeze tag that will leave you anything but cold. We’ll also be playing Chinese freeze tag, a variation on the standard game that requires you to crawl under the “frozen” person’s legs to unfreeze them.
Katie Speights: “Wanna Create?”Do you want to create but have no time to do it? Then come to this workshop where you can put your ideas onto paper with charcoal, colored pencils, pastels, or paint.
Denkmal/Monument, a Film by Alison BolandSet in Berlin, Germany during the 2006 World Cup, “Denkmal/Monument” is a coming-of-age love story that questions the boundaries of national identity.
VideogamesDance or strum the night away with Dance Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero.
Intermediate Ballroom: WaltzA half-hour session of beginner moves as a refresher leading into an hour of new waltz moves.
AGS Indie Music ClubIf you’re passionate about music (particularly independent music), this club is for you. Come armed with your MP3 player and be ready to listen. We will share music, talk about music, and learn about new music each Thursday.
Richard Gobble: "The Case of the West Memphis Three"Was justice served in the case of the West Memphis Three? Or did we sacrifice three young men to our own fear and paranoia?
Jesus CampDocumentary focusing on the experiences of a trio of children who attended Pastor Becky Fischer's “Kids on Fire Summer Camp,” where participants are taught to become dedicated Christian soldiers in God's Army and techniques on how to take back America for Christ.
Yoga for Everybody!Beginning level yoga instruction and practice for all body types and levels of fitness. Please bring a towel and/or yoga mat. Everyone is invited (signing up is unnecessary).
Jenny McNulty: “Burma/Myanmar”Come for a general overview of the political situation in Burma and Myanmar from someone who will tell you of her personal experiences. There will be a discussion of how students can get involved and aid the people in Burma and Myanmar from someone who is the chairperson for the Burma Advocacy group in Conway, Arkansas.
Bryan Cwik: “Philosophy Discussion Group”Join us to discuss Seneca's essay “On the Shortness of Life” (copies will be available in your dorm lobbies), a short piece about what makes a life meaningful and rewarding. (Faculty and Staff are welcome to attend, but discussion is student only.)
Ultimate FrisbeeAnother game of Ultimate Frisbee to satisfy your need to run, jump, catch, and throw.
Adam Frank: “Kung Fu Philosophy: Daoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism”A look at fact and fiction concerning fundamental Chinese philosophical and religious systems and the stereotypes Americans have about Chinese religion and philosophy. Chinese martial arts will be used as a vehicle for discussing these systems of thought.
The HappeningSee a wide range of traditional and experimental art in this progressive arts happening taking place across campus. The performances begin in front of Staples.
Lip Sync ContestAfter the Happening, come watch some imaginative performances intended to energize the crowd. In the end, you will select the winner with your applause.
Throwback DayBorrow your parents’ old clothes. Bell bottoms, leg warmers, and tie-dyed t-shirts are back in style.
Quiz Bowl TournamentFor teams who competed in the round-robin preliminary tournament on June 28, this is the elimination tournament to determine the student Quiz Bowl Team champion
DodgeballMore balls and games than last time. A game that is sure to take you back to your grade school days and satisfy your primal urge to throw something.
Documentary: The King of KongBilly Mitchell, the “Gamer of the Century” according to LIFE magazine, held the world record for points on Donkey Kong until unknown Steve Wiebe surpassed it almost two decades later. For months, the two men fought to break each others’ scores, and along the way they learned a great deal about themselves.
Across the UniverseCome watch Across the Universe as it “re-imagines America in the turbulent late 1960s.”
Throwback MixerLet’s go back in time and dance to timeless favorites. Good songs never die. Dress for your favorite decade, from the 60’s to the 90’s.
Superhero Sunday: Superman ReturnsSuperhero summer blockbusters are appearing at AGS every Sunday! Don’t miss out. This week, Superman Returns is showing.
Touch RugbyA low-contact variation on rugby similar to touch football. Come learn the basics of a new sport.
AGS IdolWho will be the next AGS Idol? Come watch, listen, and vote. See which contestants will make it to the next week.