Alumni Report

The Arkansas Governor's School: Measuring Alumni Outcomes for Students and the State

Benjamin J. Croner

University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service

May 2015

This study was performed by University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service (UACS) graduate, Benjamin J. Croner, as his Capstone project in completion of his Master of Public Service.  The study was completed and presented to UACS faculty on May 11, 2015.  It was conducted on behalf of the Arkansas Governor's School (AGS) at the request of the Director, Lyle Rupert.  The purpose of the project was two-fold:

  1. To update alumni contact information for the school and
  2. To demonstrate the impact the program has had on the state and in the lives of AGS alumni.  

The findings from the study are contained in this report (as of May 2015).

AGS would like to thank Benjamin J. Croner for performing this study and sharing his findings with us.  We would also like to thank the project's adviser Skip Rutherford, Dean of UACS, for his support of AGS.

Please find the full report and findings below.

Measuring Alumni Outcomes for Students and the State