Arkansas Governor’s School 2009 Activities Schedule

Required events are starred (*)

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 


Week 1:  June 14-June 21


June 14

*11:00 am
*4:00 pm
Opening Convocation
*5:00 pm
Welcome Picnic
Hulen Ballroom
*7:00 pm
Student Orientation (Parents Welcome)
Opening Mixer
Hulen Ballroom
Hall Meetings
Residence Halls


June 15

 11:50 am
Activities and Recreation Committee Applications
Hulen Sun Porch
  4:00 pm
Dodgeball- King of the Court
WAC Recreation Gym
  4:10 pm
Mark Elrod: "Who Wants to be a Micro-Banker?"
Mills A
  6:10 pm
Samantha Gullion: "Whose Land is This?"
Mills A
  7:00 pm
Human Scavenger Hunt


June 16

Phil Plait: "Bad Astronomy"
 11:50 am
Activities and Recreation Committee Applications
Hulen Sun Porch
  4:00 pm
Rock Climbing Adventures
WAC Rock Wall
  4:10 pm
Peggy Scranton:  "How to Walk a Labyrinth"
Mills A
  4:10 pm
Joe Guy:  "Hayao Miyazaki's: Spirited Away"
Mills B
  6:10 pm
Lars Seme:  "Voting Methods"
Mills A
  6:10 pm
Alex Schroller: "The Democratic Question: Parties, Politics, and Money in American Elections
Mills B
  6:10 pm
Jeremy Lusk:  "The Open-Source Revolution"
Mills C
  7:00 pm
Board Game Night


June 17

 12:00 pm
Activites and Recreation Committee Applications Due.
  4:10 pm
R. Gobble:  "Deconstructing the Death Penalty"
Mills A
  4:10 pm
Lyle Rupert: "Ask the Director"
Mills B
  4:10 pm
Rick Dimond:  "Musical Improvisation"
  6:10 pm
Chad Terrell:  "Were Bugs Bunny, Popeye and Superman Racist?"
Mills A
  6:10 pm
AGS Gospel Choir Interest Meeting
Mills B
  6:10 pm
Molly Reynolds:  "Gender Segregation in the Middle School Classroom: Good or Bad?"
Mills C
  7:00 pm


June 18

*10:30 am
Jason Wiles:  "Evolution"
  4:00 pm
Four Square Pit Showdown
Brick Pit
  4:10 pm
Katie Pratt:  "Traditional foods and Eating Habits in Fiji"
Mills C
  4:10 pm
Jason Wiles: "Q & A Session"
DW Reynolds 10
  4:10 pm
Joe Guy: "Hayao Miyazaki's: Spirited Away"
Mills B
*7:30 pm
Koyaanisqatsi (Discussion to Follow)


June 19

Dress Theme:
Mismatch Day
 4:00 pm
Beach Volleyball
WAC Court
 4:10 pm
K. Speights and J. Peterson:  "Wanna Paint?"
 4:10 pm
Bryan Cwik: "Philosophy Reading Group"
Mills B
 6:10 pm
Cache Carter:  "Interning in D.C."
Mills B
 6:10 pm
Jim Rush:  "Stress Reduction Experience"
Mills C
*8:00 pm
Area IV Variety Show


June 20

  1:00 pm
Lyle Rupert: "Sudoku and Kakuro Logic Puzzles"
DW Reynolds 10
  1:00 pm 
Foreign Film Series:  House of Flying Daggers
Mills A
  2:00 pm
Giant Sudoku
Brick Pit
  3:00 pm
Ultimate Frisbee
WAC Lacrosse Field
  4:00 pm
AGS Film Festival Information Meeting and 
Mills A
Sign Up.
Dance Party XTREME 2009
Brick Pit


June 21

  2:00 pm
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Mills A
  3:00 pm
Baseball Field
 *6:15 pm
The Taming of the Shrew (Hardin and Veasey)
Altus Bell
 *6:45 pm
The Taming of the Shrew (Martin and Raney)
Altus Bell

Week 1 Blurbs

Activity Committee Applications
Have creative ideas for social events? Pick up an application for the Social Activities Committee from Steve during lunch.

Recreation Committee Applications
Do you like to play sports? Pick up an application for the Recreation Committee from Blake during lunch.

Dodgeball- King of the Court
Think you’ve got what it takes to be the king of the playground?  Come prove it at the WAC basketball court for this classic recess game. 

Mark Elrod:  “Who Wants to be a Micro-Banker”
Join us for a discussion of the structure and history of microlending and, and learn how even you can make a difference.

Samantha Gullion: “Whose Land is This?”
There are several groups in the United States today which discriminate against different groups of people.  Come join in a discussion about diversity in the United States.

Human Scavenger Hunt
Get to know the campus faculty and staff by deciphering riddles and performing random tasks. The winning team receives a prize.

Rock Climbing Adventures
What can you do with that blank and lumpy wall that you have around the house?  Why fix it when you can climb it?  Come get trained to get your climb on at the WAC climbing wall.

Peggy Scranton:  “How to Walk a Labyrinth”
Introduction to labyrinth walking and history of labyrinths. Get a walking tour of our very own labyrinth.

Joe Guy:  “Hayao Miyazaki’s:  Spirited Away
Director and producer Hayao Miyazaki’s critically acclaimed anime film featuring a young girl’s journey to a world ruled by gods, witches, and monsters.  This film explores the theme of one’s passage from childhood to adulthood.  Discussion and analysis of the themes to follow.

Lars Seme:  “Voting Methods”
Elections with two candidates are simple- most votes wins.  With three or more candidates things become more complicated.  We’ll discuss ways to find a winner from among three or more candidates.

Alex Schroller:  “The Democratic Question: Parties, Politics and Money in American Elections”
Why did Barack Obama defeat John McCain?  How does money influence campaigns?  Do campaigns ultimately matter to the outcome of the election? 

Jeremy Lusk:  “The Open Source Revolution”
You don’t have to be a computer geek to appreciate how expensive software is.  This presentation covers the philosophy of free open source software, and details specific programs that can save you money.

Board Game Night
Come out and play classic board games in the Burrow!  Feel free to bring your own.  The more the merrier.

Richard Gobble:  “Deconstructing the Death Penalty”
A critical analysis of capital punishment.

Lyle Rupert:  “Ask the Director”
Ask the AGS Director anything you want to ask him.

Rick Dimond:  “Musical Improvisation”
An organized jam session; for all instrumentalists, scat singers, listeners, and casual observers.  A brief discussion of basic strategies, followed by some informal playing.  All levels of players, on any instruments are welcome!  Please bring your own instruments and amps.  Only drum set and piano are provided.

Chad Terrell: “Were Bugs Bunny, Popeye, and Superman Racist?”
Not long ago, these icons promoted racial stereotyping.  We will use them to talk about issues such as the responsibility of mass media and censorship.  Please note: the examples to be explored do involve old, but still likely offensive, stereotyping.

AGS Gospel Choir Interest Meeting
If you are a singer, a musician, or just someone who loves music, come out and get some information about the AGS Gospel Choir.

Molly Reynolds: “Gender Segregation in the Middle School Classroom; Good or Bad?”
Pros and cons of separating the genders in the classroom at the Fifth Grade level along with some history of research that’s been done.

Come do karaoke in the Burrow.  Choose from thousands of songs and sing them!  You’ll be famous instantly!  At the very least, you will have barrels of fun!!!

Four Square Pit Showdown
Come down to the brick pit for another classic recess game.  Dust off your bouncing skills, steel yourself for challenges, and hold that king square.

Katie Pratt:  “Traditional Foods and Eating Habits in Fiji”
Come hear about the exotic and maybe not so exotic foods of Fiji from a recent traveler.

Joe Guy:  “Hayao Miyazaki’s:  Spirited Away
Director and producer Hayao Miyazaki’s critically acclaimed anime film featuring a young girl’s journey to a world ruled by gods, witches, and monsters.  This film explores the theme of one’s passage from childhood to adulthood.  Discussion and analysis of the themes to follow.

Beach Volleyball
And you thought there weren’t any beaches in Arkansas… A standard game of volleyball to help you relax and run around.  There is the possibility of playing a small round-robin tournament depending on how many people show up, plus the opportunity to work on your tan.

Katie Speights and Jessica Peterson:  “Wanna Paint?”
Want to create?  Don’t have time to do it?  Come to this workshop to express your creativity.

Bryan Cwik: “Philosophy Reading Group”
Come join us for the first of our weekly reading group meetings.  We will be talking about “The Experience Machine,” a very short piece by Robert Nozick, which is available in your dorm lobbies and in the AGS office.  Feel free to come even if you can’t do the reading (faculty and staff are welcome to attend, but discussion is students only, please.)

Cache Carter: “Interning in D.C.”
Interested in interning in D.C.?  Ever thought you might work on The Hill?  Come find out what opportunities await you and how to take advantage of them!

Jim Rush:  “Stress Reduction Experience”
Overview of the physiology of stress with an application of ways to reduce stress experience.

Area IV Variety Show
Don’t miss the faculty and staff showing off their talents in an Area IV-hosted variety show!  Most of us are talented, the rest of us just like being on stage.

Lyle Rupert: “Sudoku and Kakuro Logic Puzzles”
Do you do Sudoku or Kakuro puzzles?  Want to learn and share strategies and learn new tricks?  Join us!

Foreign Film Series:  House of Flying Daggers
Come kick off our Saturday afternoon foreign film series with some action.  House of Flying Daggers is a 2007 Chinese film by Zhang Yimou.  Be prepared to leave your preconceptions of dry, pretentious foreign film behind for a highly stylized and beautifully shot open-ended martial arts film.  Discussion to follow.

Giant Sudoku
Work with a team to solve a brick patio-sized puzzle.  No paper allowed.  Come to Lyle Rupert’s 1:00 discussion to receive you team assignment.  Spectators are welcome to watch or even help!

Ultimate Frisbee
Can’t throw a ball?  Don’t sweat it.  Come out to the field and show your hippie athleticism at the most extreme game of ultimate Frisbee ever.

AGS Film Festival Information Meeting and Sign Up
Come to the meeting if you think you might be interested in being on a film crew for the AGS film festival.  Informational meeting and sign-up.  From directors to editors to set designers to photographers to musicians looking to score a film, this is the place for you.

Dance Party XTREME 2009
Wanna dance?  Then let’s do it!  Celebrate a week’s worth of new friends and knowledge by dancin’ the night away.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Come out for the first movie of the series to celebrate the newest Harry Potter movie coming to theaters this summer.

Come show off that golden foot for one of the greatest games of all time: kickball.

The Taming of the Shrew
At this required event, you will go see the Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre perform The Taming of the Shrew.  The buses will take two dorms at a time:  first, Hardin and Veasey will be escorted to the theatre; then Martin and Raney will be escorted.  The return trip will be made in the same order.



Week 2:  June 22-June 28


  June 22

  7:00 am
Yoga for Everybody
Dance Studio
 11:50 am
Sign up for Trips
Sun Porch
  4:00 pm
Campus Capture the Flag
Brick Pit
  4:10 pm
C. Rupert and J. Hardin:  "Albums from Each Genre:  Essential Listening"
Mills A
  4:10 pm
Michael Simeone: "Technology of Imagination: Critical Thinking about Plastics and Consumer Electronics"
Mills B
  4:10 pm
Nick Seward: "Linux Productivity Lab"
Bailey Library
  5:00 pm
Social Activities Committee Meeting
  6:10 pm
Mark Dunn:  The College Admissions Process"
Mills A
  6:10 pm
Nick Seward: "Linux Productivity Lab"
Bailey Library
  6:30 pm
AGS Idol Auditions
  7:00 pm
Princess Mononoke
  7:00 pm
Matt Forester:  Hip Hop Dance
Dance Studio
  8:00 pm
Spades Tournament
Hulen Ballroom


June 23

*10:30 am
Paul Greenberg: "The Changing Media and You"
  4:10 pm
Lars Seme:  "A Brief Introduction to the Credit Crisis"
Mills B
  4:10 pm
K. Phwandaphwanda, B. Cwik, and R. Lewis:  "When You Go to College"
Mills A
  5:00 pm
Recreation Committee Meeting
  6:00 pm
Softball Field
  6:10 pm
Ragan Sutterfield: "How to be Ignorant"
Mills A
  6:10 pm
Lyle Rupert:  "Galapagos Islands"
Mills B
  6:10 pm
Alex Schroller:  "The Democratic Question II:  Modern Issues and Debates"
DW Reynolds 10
  7:00 pm
Matt Forester:  "Hip Hop Dance Part II"
Dance Studio
  7:30 pm
Video Game Night (Wii)
Mills A
Video Game Night (Wii)
Mills B
Video Game Night (X-Box)
Mills C


June 24

  7:00 am
Yoga and Meditation for Beginners
Dance Studio
 12:00 pm
T-Shirt Design Contest Deadline
  4:10 pm
Revis Edmonds:  "Fill'er Up, Ma'am?": The American Service Station as a Piece of Americana: By a Station Owner's Son"
Mills A
  4:10 pm
Lyle Rupert:  "Ask the Director"
Mills B
  4:10 pm
Rick Dimond: "Improvising on the Blues"
  6:10 pm
F. Boosey and B. Vena:  "Creating Living History: Adding Life to Your History"
Mills B
  6:10 pm
M. Reynolds and A. Toomer:  "Chocolate: The Bittersweet Drug"
Mills C
  6:10 pm
Nick Seward:  "Why is 12 the Magic Number?"
Mills A
  8:00 pm
Pools of Fun: the Dive-in Movie: The Little Mermaid
WAC Pool


 June 25

*10:30 am
Maxine Maxwell: "Echoes of the Past"
  4:00 pm
5 on 5 Indoor Soccer
  4:10 pm
S. Sutterfield and A. Gentry Sutterfield: "From Brecht to Boal to Reverend Billy:  Tracing the Roots of Political Theater"
Mills A
  4:10 pm
Cache Carter:  "Social Justice: White Privilege"
Mills B
  4:10 pm
Steve Nolan:  "The Cinema of Revolution: Latin American Since 1960"
Mills C
*7:30 pm
The Truman Show (Discussion to Follow)


 June 26

Dress Theme:
Twinkie Day
 11:50 am
Vote on T-Shirt Design Submission
Sun Porch
  4:00 pm
Dodgeball Tournament
  4:10 pm
Bryan Cwik:  "Philosophy Reading Group"
Mills C
  4:10 pm
Chad Terrell: "Philosophy, Peanut Galleries, and the Significance of Mystery Science Theater 3000"
Mills A
  4:10 pm
Lana Allen: "The Israel Lobby Debate"
Mills B
  4:10 pm
Lyle Rupert:  "Pipe Organ Extravaganza"
Greene Chapel
  6:10 pm
Jim Rush:  "Stress Reduction Experience"
Mills A
  6:30 pm
Art Exhibition
Mills Lobby
 *7:30 pm
Stravinsky: The Soldier's Tale


June 27

 11:50 am
Blake and Steve Eat Weird Things Suggestion Box
  1:00 pm
Flag Football
WAC Lacrosse Field
  1:00 pm
Foreign Film Series:  The Bicycle Thief
Mills A
  2:30 pm
Yoga Practice
Dance Studio
  3:30 pm
Ultimate Frisbee
WAC Lacrosse Field
  3:30 pm
Film-Festival:  Pre-Production
Mills C
  4:00 pm
Documentary: Scratch
Mills A
*7:00 pm
AGS Drama: A Night of Comedy Improv (Martin and Raney)
Cabe Theatre
*9:00 pm
AGS Drama: A Night of Comedy Improv (Hardin and Veasey)
Cabe Theatre


June 28

  1:00 pm
WAC Courts
  2:00 pm
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  4:00 pm
Bullet Chess
  6:15 pm
Altus Bell
  7:00 pm
Blake and Steve Eat Weird Things
  8:00 pm
Open Mic Night

Week 2 Blurbs

Yoga for Everybody
Beginning-level yoga instruction and practice for all body types and levels of fitness.  Please bring a towel and/or yoga mat.

Sign up for Trips
Here is your chance to visit some unique locations.  If you are interested in going to see Macbeth or going to the Clinton Library for a US Space and Rocket Center Presentation, then sign up Monday during lunch.  There are a limited number of seats available.

Campus Capture the Flag
Two flags, one campus.  Lots of fun.

Chris Rupert and Jake Hardin:  “Albums from Each Genre: Essential Listening”
Come listen and enjoy the top 5 albums from each musical genre, as selected by your two favorite RA’s.

Michael Simeone:  “Technology of Imagination: Critical Thinking about Plastics and Consumer Electronics.”
We’ll take a look at what makes electronics appealing and how current trends are connected to earlier western intellectual history.

Nick Seward: “Linux Productivity Lab”
To participate in this lab, you must first email Nick Seward at to reserve your spot.  Answer the following questions in your email:  Are you working in a group and if so can you work around one computer?  Have you received a copy of Linux Mint?  If space is limited, are you able to just observe?  Groups C and B in Natural Science can benefit from this tutorial for their projects, but everyone is welcome.  It will take place in the Bib Lab in the Bailey Library.

Mark Dunn:  “The College Admissions Process”
Visit with an admissions officer from a prestigious Ivy League university.  He will be sharing helpful hints concerning the admissions process as well as sharing programs his university has to offer.

AGS Idol Auditions
Do you think you have what it takes to become the next AGS Idol?  Come audition for the weekly competition and try to impress the judges.  These auditions will be closed to all who are not auditioning!  Come prepared to sing a cappella for the judges.

Princess Mononoke
Hayao Miyazaki’s Japanese animated historical fantasy film featuring a warrior who ventures on a journey to find the cure for a curse.  Ashitaka finds himself in the middle of a war between the forest and a mining colony.  In his quest, he also meets San, the Mononoke Hime.  Discussion will follow.

Matt Forester: “Hip Hop Dance”
Talented student hip hop dancers are invited to choreograph the official AGS 2009 dance combination.  Bring your music!  Please wear loose fitting clothes and either socks or dance shoes, as street shoes are not allowed in the dance studio.

Spades Tournament
Come play the sweetest card game around.  We will be using the results of the tournament to make a ladder to continue throughout AGS.  Show off your card skills and win respect.

Lars Seme:  “A Brief Introduction to the Credit Crisis”
How do fractional reserve banks work?  What is a CDO, a credit default swap, and a subprime mortgage?  Come find out.

Kondwani Phwandaphwanda, Bryan Cwik, and Raphael Lewis: “When You go to College”
General information about what is expected of you when you get to college.  All questions are important.

A nice friendly game of slow-pitch softball.

Ragan Sutterfield:  “How to be Ignorant”
Knowledge is overrated-- or at least we tend to overrate our knowledge.  We think that we’re smart, that we know stuff, which has consequences that can result in incredible destruction in the world.  In this talk, we’ll learn how to undo all of that, celebrate our ignorance, and revel in the freedom of not having to know the answer.

Lyle Rupert:  “Galapagos Islands”
Come and see photos of the landscapes and animals of the Galapagos Islands.  Rumors indicate there is a photo of our Director in a wet suit.

Alex Schroller:  “The Democratic Question II:  Modern Issues and Debates”
We’ll look at the role of interest groups, PACS, money, and the importance of primaries, debates, and political media.

Matt Forester: “Hip Hop Dance Part II”
Talented student hip hop dancers are invited back for a second round of choreography and dance.  Bring your music.

Video Game Night
Miss your videogames?  Well, then come play ours!!!

Yoga and Meditation for Beginners
Come to a weekly session of meditation and yoga with Peggy Scranton.  No previous experience needed.  Bring a towel or yoga mat.

T-Shirt Design Contest
If you are working on a t-shirt design submission, please have your submission turned in to Trieschmann before noon on Wednesday, June 24. 

Revis Edmonds:  “‘Fill’er Up, Ma’am?’ The American Service Station as a Piece of Americana: by a Station Owner’s Son”
A history of the traditional American gasoline service station from the end of WWII, complete with vintage photos, print and tv ads, and personal recollections.

Lyle Rupert: “Ask the Director” 
Ask the AGS Director anything you want to ask him.

Rick Dimond:  “Improvising the Blues”
An informal jam session centered on common blues riffs and figures. All instrumentalists and observers are welcome.

Fred Boosey and Beatrice Vena:  “Creating Living History: Adding Life to Your History”
The presentation will focus on reasons why we need living history and the steps to produce it.

Molly Reynolds and Angela Toomer:  “Chocolate: The Bittersweet Drug”
Come learn about the history, social aspects, and addictive quality of your favorite drug.

Nick Seward: “Why is 12 the Magic Number?”
We will examine the math and physics behind music.  We will also see if other numbers besides 12 work.

Pools of Fun: The Dive in Movie: The Little Mermaid
Steve and Blake decided to collaborate in order to bring you the most fun possible.  Come recreate and be social in the pool as you watch a riveting, cerebral film. “So much fun!” –Roger Ebert

 5 on 5 Indoor Soccer
5 on 5 co-educational soccer.  Put your teams together beforehand, and show up for some fun out of the sun.

Spencer Sutterfield and April Gentry Sutterfield: “From Brecht to Boal to Reverend Billy: Tracing the Roots of Political Theater”
Anyone who has heard of Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping knows that theatre and political/social protest complement each other well.  How did political theatre begin?  What are examples of political theatre?  Come trace the roots of political theatre from Brecht to Boal to Reverend Billy. And be prepared to create a little of your own political theatre in the process.

Cache Carter:  “Social Justice:White Privilege”
A little talk about the social phenomenon called white privilege and how it has its roots in our nation’s history and institutions.

Steve Nolan: “The Cinema of Revolution: Latin America Since 1960”
Should a film serve as entertainment, education, or an incitement to social revolution?  We will explore this question through video clips from the last 50 years of cinema in Brazil, Cuba, Argentina, and Mexico.  We will also be watching the Brazilian short film Ilha das Flores (The Isle of Flowers) in its entirety.

The Truman Show
Look at the life of insurance salesman Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey), and watch him in his search for truth.

Vote on T-Shirt Design Submission
During lunchtime on Friday, June 26 come vote on your favorite t-shirt design submission.

Dodgeball Tournament
Get your troops together into teams of seven and register during lunch for an epic showdown.  Word on the street is that the faculty team is bringing the heat.

Bryan Cwik:  “Philosophy Reading Group”
Come join us for the first of our weekly reading group meetings.  We will be talking about Thomas Nasel’s essay, “What it is like to be a Bat,” which is available in your dorm lobbies and in the AGS office.  Feel free to come even if you can’t do the reading (faculty and staff are welcome to attend, but discussion is students only, please).

Chad Terrell:  “Philosophy, Peanut Galleries, and the Significance of Mystery Science Theater 3000”
We will use MST3K as a text to discuss issues such as media engagement, the nature of humor, and how bad art can be good for you.  If you don’t know anything about this show, this is a must for you.

Lana Allen: “The Israel Lobby Debate”
This talk endeavors to provide a comprehensive account of the debate taking place among political analysts concerning the influence of the Israel lobby.

Lyle Rupert: “Pipe Organ Extravaganza”
Come hear a little Bach, Handel, and Pachelbel on the Chapel organ.  This program will be short enough to stay interesting but long enough to show the organ’s versatility.

Jim Rush: “Stress Reduction Experience”
Overview of the physiology of stress with an application of ways to reduce stress experience.

Art Exhibition
The Visual Arts students will be displaying their artwork in Mills, so come to see what they have been working on.

Stravinsky: The Soldier’s Tale
At this required event, you will experience a work by 20th century composer Igor Stravinsky.  For narrator and chamber ensemble, this World War I-era piece tells the tale of a soldier who sells his violin (representing the soul) to the devil in exchange for a magic book that promises him wealth.  Throughout most of the story, the Soldier attempts to regain his violin from the devil.

Blake and Steve Eat Weird Things Suggestion Box
Blake and Steve are really hungry! There will be a box in each dorm for you to provide suggestions for weird things for Blake and Steve to eat.  The suggestions you give must be suggestions of edible items, or they will not be able to eat them.  Have some great ideas ready for them.

Flag Football
Show up for some good old-fashioned flag football.

Foreign Film Series: The Bicycle Thief
The foreign film series continues with this 1948 Italian classic.  One of the first films to use real locations and non-actors, this film follows a man and his son searching for their lost bicycle in the streets of Italy.  The man’s livelihood entirely depends on his bicycle as he struggles against total desperation and social inequities that are still applicable today.

Yoga Practice
This weekly yoga class is for students interested in a longer session than the Beginner’s yoga class and for students who already practice yoga.  Bring a towel and/or yoga mat.

Ultimate Frisbee
Can’t throw a ball?  Don’t sweat it.  Come out to the field and show your hippie athleticism at the most extreme game of Ultimate Frisbee ever.

Film Festival:  Pre-ProductionAt this meeting,we will be discussing script writing and preparation techniques as well as film shooting strategies.  This meeting is lecture/discussion format, so non-participants are encouraged to attend if interested in pre-production techniques.

Documentary:  ScratchThis energetic and insightful film, which was a big hit at the 2001 Sundance Film Festival, traces the birth of "turntablism." Doug Pray documents the ongoing history of today's turntablist movement and features many of the DJs who gave birth to the hip-hop movement and continue to reinvent it. This exhilarating film features such charismatic figures as DJ Q-Bert, DJ Shadow, and Mix Master Mike in full-blown exhibition of their powers.

AGS Drama:  A Night of Comedy Improv
Come join the AGS Drama students for a night of improvisational fun as they think fast on their feet, take suggestions from the audience, and create a night of live theater right before your very eyes.

5 on 5 basketball: show up, bring your hookshots, “Kobes,” and helicopters, and ball it up against other teams in Week 2’s mini-tournament.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Come out for the second movie of the series to celebrate the newest Harry Potter movie coming to theaters this summer.

Bullet Chess
In this fast-paced chess tournament, each side will have a limited amount of time to move.  This tournament will be round robin form with points awarded for wins and draws.

This trip is for people who signed up to see the Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre perform Macbeth.  If you signed up for this trip, you are required to go.

Blake and Steve Eat Weird Things
Come watch Blake and Steve eat weird things.

Open Mic Night
Share your writing, music, stand-up comedy, or random thoughts in a comfortable setting.  Material MUST be appropriate.


Week 3:  June 29-July 1 and July 5 


June 29

  7:00 am
Peggy Scranton:  "Yoga and Meditation"
Dance Studio
  11:50 am
Trips Sign Up
Sun Porch
  4:00 pm
Mabee Center
  4:10 pm
Blackberry Bushes Stringband
  4:10 pm
Richard Gobble:  "Magic Bullets, Grassy Knolls and Smoking Guns."
Mills A
  4:10 pm
Matt Forester:  "Show, Don’t Tell"
Mills B
  5:00 pm
Recreation Committee Meeting
Social Activities Committee
  6:00 pm
Matt Forester: "Hip Hop Dance"
Dance Studio
  6:10 pm
Alexander Anderson:  "Birds of Arkansas"
Mills B
  6:10 pm
Wes Wallace:  "Sustainable Agriculture: Global Food Security in the 21st Century"
Mills A
*7:00 pm
Choral and Instrumental Music Performance
Improv Games


June 30

*10:30 am
John Churchill: "Truth, Jokes, and Politics"
  4:10 pm
Alex Schroller: "Private Luxury, Public Squalor"
Mills A
  4:10 pm
Nick Seward:  "Storing Information"
Mills B
  4:10 pm
Jeremy Lusk: "We Are All Made of Stars"
Mills C
  6:00 pm
Water Balloon Capture the Flag
Brick Pit
  6:00 pm
AGS Idol Callback Auditions
  6:10 pm
Christine Faubel:  "Antoni Gaudi:  Public Servant or Modern Michaelangelo"
Mills A
  6:10 pm
Alexander Anderson: "Bird Watching Part II"
Mills B
  6:10 pm
Bill Higgins:  "Voice Master Class:  Singing with Mr. Bill"
Trieschmann 3
 *7:00 pm
Natural State Brass Band


July 1

Parents' Day
*9:30 am
Area I Presentations
As Assigned*
*9:50 am
Area II Presentations
As Assigned*
*10:00 am
Area III Presentations
As Assigned*
*10:30 am
Check-out Begins
*11:00 am
Campus Closes**


July 5

*6:00 pm
Return to Residence Halls between 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm
  7:00 pm
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Mills A
  7:00 pm
Sports Night
  8:00 pm
Music Jam 2009
Brick Pit
***Please Note: 
          -Lunch will not be served on Wednesday, July 1.
          -Students must check in with their hall director between 6 pm and 8 pm on
           Sunday, July 5.
          -Dinner will not be served on Sunday, July 5.
          -Bring back clothes for a throwback mixer (1960's-1990's)
          -The student talent show auditions will be July 9, so practice over break and
           bring back any music
           clothes, instruments, etc. that you might need.
          -If you would like a t-shirt, don't forget to bring money when you come back
           from break.
           We will be taking orders July 6th and 7th in the dorm lobbies.
          -Please remember to bring back your necessary IDs and documents so you 
           can participate in the blood drive after break.


Week 3 Blurbs

Peggy Scranton:  “Yoga and Meditation”
Beginning level yoga instruction and practice for all body types and levels of fitness.  Please bring a towel and/or yoga mat.  Everyone is invited.

Trips Sign Up
Come sign up for the Heifer Project Trip and Magical History Tour.

A fast-paced racquet sport requiring less skill than tennis, but allowing for more creative attempts at scoring. 

Blackberry Bushes Stringband
Come see this Bluegrass band from Oregon.  Kendl Winter and Jes Raymond write songs of breath, habits, birds, and bog beings.  They bring their love of bluegrass, old-time and indie rock, pass it through their hearts and clever minds and voila… a music for you that sounds like something you have never heard, but always know.

Richard Gobble:  “Magic Bullets, Grassy Knolls, and Smoking Guns”
A critical analysis of the Warren Commission and subsequent investigations into the death of JFK.

Matt Forester:  “Show, Don’t Tell”
Creative writing workshop.  Come learn how to improve your writing with descriptive detail and vivid imagery without overdoing it.  This is an excellent way to perfect your submissions for the AGS literary magazine and also a great way to work on your college admissions essays.

Matt Forester:  “Hip Hop Dance”
Talented student hip hop dancers are invited to choreograph the official AGS 2009 dance combination.  Bring your music!  Please wear loose fitting clothes and either socks or dance shoes, as street shoes are not allowed in the dance studio.

Alexander Anderson: “Birds of Arkansas”
Alexander will give you an introduction to bird watching in the Natural State and go into detail on the birds that can be seen in different regions of Arkansas.

Wes Wallace:  “Sustainable Agriculture:  Global Food Security in the 21st Century”
What must be done to create sustainable agriculture that is in balance with the natural systems of our planet?  Discover how to ensure food security for your children and for all future generations of humans.

Choral and Instrumental Music Performance
Choral and Instrumental Music will perform for AGS!

Improv Games
After the concert, come over to the Burrow for some Whose Line is it Anyway? style improv games.  Bring your own ideas for games and get ready for a BARREL OF LAUGHS!

Alex Schroller:  “Private Luxury, Public Squalor”
Can free market capitalism and the environment coexist?  Can our current rate of consumption sustain us into the future?  Should we change course or is it already too late?  No prior knowledge of economics is needed.  If you are in any way interested in future prospects for human life, you should come.

Nick Seward:  “Storing Information”
How do we store information?  What is the progression of storage technology?  What is the limit to how much we can store?  Let’s talk about it.

Jeremy Lusk:  “We Are All Made of Stars”
Where did all the elements on the periodic table come from?  Jeremy presents his work on origins and abundances of the elements and what it’s like to do undergraduate research.

Water Balloon Capture the Flag
A much improved round two of Capture the Flag with a twist.  Each player will be given a certain amount of water balloons that can put people in jail no matter what side they are on.

AGS Idol Callback Auditions
The top 18 will have a closed audition for the top 12 spots and a chance at the first AGS Idol show.

Christine Faubel:  “Antoni Gaudi: “Public Servant or Modern Michaelangelo”
For those interested in architecture, Spain or simply in piecing together history, this discussion will give you a broader understanding of the public efforts of one of the most renowned Spanish artists.

Alexander Anderson:  “Bird Watching Part II”
Alexander will give you an introduction to bird watching in the Natural State and go into detail on the birds that can be seen in different regions of Arkansas.

Bill Higgins: “Voice Master Class:  Singing with Mr. Bill”
We’ll talk about good vocal production for both singing and speaking.

Natural State Brass Band
This required performance showcases the talented Natural State Brass Band.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Come out for the third movie of the series to celebrate the newest Harry Potter movie coming to theaters this summer.

Sports Night
Come out to the Burrow and watch the Texas Rangers battle the Tampa Bay Devil Rays on the baseball field.  Bring your own popcorn and hotdogs left over from the Fourth of July break.  Nothing like stale hot dogs and baseball to celebrate your return to AGS!

Music Jam 2009
Bring your instruments from home and come out to the Brick Pit for an informal jam session with your fellow students.  Non-musicians are welcome to come socialize.  Rock on, doodz.

Week 4:  July 5-July 12


July 5

*6:00 pm
Return to Residence Halls between 6:00 pm and  8:00 pm.
  7:00 pm
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Mills A
  7:00 pm
Sports Night
  8:00 pm
Music Jam 2009
Brick Pit


July 6

  7:15 am
Peggy Scranton: "Yoga and Meditation"
Dance Studio
  4:10 pm
J. Peterson and K. Speights: "Wanna Paint? Part Deux"
MC Reynolds 110
  6:00 pm
Matt Forester: "Hip Hop Workshop"
Dance Studio
  6:00 pm
Ultimate Frisbee
WAC Fields
  6:10 pm
Wesley Beal: "Space as Narrative, or, Reading 
Mills A
Walt Disney World"
  6:10 pm
Elizabeth Scott: "The 1968 Presidential Election"
Mills B
  7:00 pm
Howl's Moving Castle
Mills A
  7:00 pm  
Fac/Staff Forum (Faculty and Staff Only)
DW Reynolds 10
  8:00 pm
AGS Idol
  9:00 pm
T-Shirt Orders until 10:30 pm
Residence Halls


July 7

  7:00 am
Jim Rush: "Meditation"
Dance Studio
*10:30 am
Edith Widder: "New Technologies to Explore the Deep Sea"
  4:10 pm
Phillip Spivey:  "Jewish Holidays and the Art of Celebration"
Mills B
  6:00 pm
Matt Forester: "Hip Hop Workshop"
Dance Studio
  6:00 pm
Softball Field
  6:10 pm
Alex Schroller: "The Political Mind: Psychology, Race, Terror, Authoritarianism"
Mills A
  6:10 pm
Sarah Hill: "Justices Who Look Like Me:  Symbolic Representation on the Supreme Court"
Mills B
  6:10 pm
Christine Faubel: "Antoni Gaudi: Public Servant or Modern Michaelangelo"
Mills C
 *8:15 pm
Acoustic Sin
  9:00 pm
T-Shirt Orders until 10:30 pm
Residence Halls


July 8

  7:15 am
Peggy Scranton: "Yoga and Meditation"
Dance Studio
  4:00 pm
5 on 5 Indoor Soccer
  4:10 pm
Lyle Rupert: "Ask the Director"
Mills B
  6:10 pm
N. Hargraves and M. Forester:  "Poetry Café"
  6:10 pm
Lars Seme: "Mathematics of Casino Games"
Mills B
  6:10 pm
Nick Seward:  "And There was Light"
Mills C
  6:10 pm
Foreign Film Series:  Les Quatre Cents Coups
Mills A
  7:00 pm
Talent Show Auditions
  8:30 pm
Creeper-Man's Folk Band


July 9

  7:00 am
Jim Rush: "Meditation"
Dance Studio
 *10:30 am
Kevin Brockmeier: "A Reading by Kevin Brockmeier"
  4:00 pm
  4:10 pm
Brandon McClinton: "Community Development and the Accidental Guerrilla Syndrome" 
Mills B
  4:10 pm
John Shirron:  "The Year After…"
Mills C
  6:10 pm
Joe Guy:  "Ask the RAs and Hall Directors"
Mills A
 *7:30 pm
Blade Runner (Discussion to Follow)


July 10

  4:10 pm
Lyle Rupert: "Changing AGS from a 6 week to a 4 week Program"
Mills A
  6:00 pm
Giant Four Square
Brick Pit
  6:10 pm
Jim Rush:  "Stress Reduction Experience"
Mills A
  7:00 pm
Mister and Miss AGS 2009
  8:30 pm
Magic Show with Joey Williams
  8:30 pm
Magic Show with Joey Williams


July 11

Dress Theme:
Throwback Day
  7:00 am
Jim Rush: "Meditation"
Dance Studio
12:15 pm
Heifer Project
Altus Bell
  1:00 pm
Foreign Film Series: Rashomon
Mills A
  1:00 pm
AGS Field Day
WAC Field
  1:15 pm
Film Festival: Production
Mills C
  2:00 pm 
Jonathan Wilkins
  2:30 pm
Peggy Scranton:  "Yoga and Meditation"
Dance Studio
  5:30 pm
Gospel Choir Practice
  7:00 pm
Throwback Mixer
Brick Pit


July 12

 10:30 am
Magical History Tour
Altus Bell
  2:00 pm
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Mills A
  8:00 pm
AGS Idol


Week 3 Blurbs

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Come out for the third movie of the series to celebrate the newest Harry Potter movie coming to theaters this summer.

Sports Night
Come out to the Burrow and watch the Texas Rangers battle the Tampa Bay Devil Rays on the baseball field.  Bring your own popcorn and hotdogs left over from the Fourth of July break.  Nothing like stale hot dogs and baseball to celebrate your return to AGS!

Music Jam 2009
Bring your instruments from home and come out to the Brick Pit for an informal jam session with your fellow students.  Non-musicians are welcome to come socialize.  Rock on, doodz.

Peggy Scranton: “Yoga and Meditation”
Beginning level yoga instruction and practice for all body types and levels of fitness.  Please bring a towel and/or yoga mat.  Everyone is invited.

Jessica Peterson and Katie Speights: “Wanna Paint? Part Deux”
Come in to finish your artwork that you began 6/19/09.

Matt Forester:  “Hip Hop Workshop”
Talented student hip hop dancers are invited to choreograph the official AGS 2009 dance combination.  Bring your music!  Please wear loose fitting clothes and either socks or dance shoes, as street shoes are not allowed in the dance studio.

Ultimate Frisbee
In history, the Spartans played Ultimate Frisbee. Fact.

Wesley Beal:  “Space as Narrative, or, Reading Walt Disney World”
How does spatial organization tell a story?  We’ll explore spatial narrative by “reading” Disney theme parks like the Magic Kingdom and Epcot.

Elizabeth Scott: “The 1968 Presidential Election”
Examine the final break-up of the Roosevelt coalition and how civil rights and the Vietnam War led the Democrats to lose the 1968 election.

Howl’s Moving Castle
A Japanese animated fantasy film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki featuring an unconfident young woman who is cursed with an old body by a spiteful witch.  Her only chance of breaking the spell lies with a self indulgent yet insecure young wizard and his companions in his walking home.

AGS Idol
Who will be the next AGS Idol?   Come watch, listen, and vote.  See which contestants will make it to next week!

T-Shirt Orders until 10:30
Want a t-shirt?  Purchase t-shirts in the dorm lobbies on Monday and Tuesday nights from 9:00 pm until 10:30 pm.  T-shirts are $5.

Jim Rush:  “Meditation”
Come out in the morning to meditate with Jim Rush.

Phillip Spivey:  “Jewish Holidays and the Art of Celebration”
Is Hannukah the Jewish Christmas?  Why do the Jewish people eat matzah during Passover?  Explore the meanings behind the holidays of one of the oldest living religious traditions in the world:  Judaism.

Matt Forester:  “Hip Hop Workshop”
Talented student hip hop dancers are invited to choreograph the official AGS 2009 dance combination.  Bring your music!  Please wear loose fitting clothes and either socks or dance shoes, as street shoes are not allowed in the dance studio.

A nice friendly game of slow pitch softball.

Alex Schroller: “The Political Mind: Psychology, Race, Terror, and Authoritarianism”
Are we predisposed to a liberal or conservative worldview?  Why did the issue of terrorism help George W. Bush win reelection in 2004?  What effects do subliminal messages and race have on our thinking?  Disclaimer: the answers will surprise you.

Sarah Hill:  “Justices Who Look Like Me:  Symbolic Representation on the Supreme Court”
A Supreme Court Nominee’s gender, ethnicity, or religious background can be extremely important politically, but how much does it really affect the way she or he decides cases?  We’ll examine this question and have a discussion about representation on the Court.

Christine Faubel:  “Antoni Gaudi: Public Servant or Modern Michaelangelo”
For those interested in architecture, Spain, or simply in piecing together history, this discussion will give you a broader understanding of the public efforts of one of the most renowned Spanish artists.

Acoustic Sin
Listen to an instrumental ensemble playing original compositions “fusing” jazz, rock, alternative, and classical styles.

Peggy Scranton:  “Yoga and Meditation”
Beginning level yoga instruction and practice for all body types and levels of fitness.  Please bring a towel and/or yoga mat.  Everyone is invited.

5 on 5 Indoor Soccer
5 on 5 co-educational soccer.  Put your teams together beforehand, and show up for some fun out of the sun.

Lyle Rupert: “Ask the Director”
Ask the AGS Director anything you want to ask him.

Norma Hargraves and Matt Forester:  “Poetry Cafe”
Bring your poetry, berets, and snapping fingers, and let the beat in you go!

Lars Seme:  “Mathematics of Casino Games”
We’ll discuss the mathematics of various casino games and some of the strategies to defeat them.

Nick Seward:  And There was Light”
Come learn how to make LEDs blink with your computer.

Foreign Film Series:  Les Quatre Cents Coups
A 1959 film by Francois Truffuat.  This film was an important part of the French New Wave movement.  After young Antoine runs away, life on the streets of Paris leads to nothing but trouble.  The film was nominated for a Best Screenplay Oscar and the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival.

Talent Show Auditions
Do you like the spotlight?  Come audition for a spot in the student talent show on July 18.  Bring any materials you may need, such as CDs or instruments.  All types of talent are welcome.  You must sign up by 4:30 pm on Wednesday if you want to audition.

Creeper-Man’s Folk Band
Louis Chacon and Christine Faubel host a night of folk music with candy.

Jim Rush:  “Meditation”
Come out in the morning to meditate with Jim Rush.

A giant spoons tournament.  Think you’ve got what it takes to be the master of the official utensil of breakfast?  Prove it!  You seem like someone who would be into forks.

Brandon McClinton:  “Community Development and the Accidental Guerrilla Syndrome”
A discussion of counter-insurgency professional David KilKullen's theory of the accidental guerilla syndrome and its effects on modern military goals, warfare, and global community development.

John Shirron:  “The Year After…”
Let’s talk about your year and life after AGS.

Joe Guy: “Ask the RAs and Hall Directors”
Students get the chance to ask the RAs anything and almost everything about policies, procedures, and why they do what they do.  This is also an opportunity for students to give suggestions about activities and events to have in their residence halls.

Lyle Rupert:  “Changing AGS from a 6 Week to a 4 Week Program”
Come join the director for a forum discussing the changes AGS will undergo in the transition from a 6 week program to a 4 week program.

Giant Four Square
Groups of 5 compete in the Brick Pit to see if they can’t outlast the competition and fight for the king spot.  Be there or be square.

Jim Rush:  “Stress Reduction Experience”
Continued overview of the physiology of stress with an application of ways to reduce stress experience.

Mister and Miss AGS 2009
Get a group together, choose an RA, and dress him or her up however you choose.  Then make the RA wear it in public- ON STAGE!  A panel of faculty/staff and student judges will choose a winner.  Make your RAs nice and pretty; otherwise, they'll cry!

Magic Show with Joey Williams
Be amazed by illusions and tricks from a professional magician.  You may end up becoming part of the show.

Jim Rush:  “Meditation”
Come out in the morning to meditate with Jim Rush.

Heifer Project
This trip is for people who signed up to visit the Heifer Ranch in Perryville.  If your name is on the roster, you are required to attend.

Foreign Film Series: Rashomon
A classic 1950 Japanese film that examines the nature of truth.  Considered one of Japanese director Akira Kurosawa's masterpieces, this Oscar-winning crime drama unfolds as four witnesses report their versions of an attack. But the chain of events depicted by the bandit, the victim, the murdered man's ghost, and the woodcutter are not only different, they're totally incompatible.

AGS Field Day
Come out for a day of epic fun with your favorite field day events.

Film Festival: Production
Film Festival participants meet to get your equipment and get started on shooting your films.

Jonathan Wilkins
Listen to Jonathan Wilkins and his band perform some rockin' original music for a Saturday afternoon concert.

Peggy Scranton:  “Yoga and Meditation”
Beginning level yoga instruction and practice for all body types and levels of fitness.  Please bring a towel and/or yoga mat.  Everyone is invited.

Gospel Choir Practice
Come to the weekly Gospel Choir practice.

Throwback Mixer
Let’s go back in time and dance to timeless favorites.  Good songs never die.  Dress for your favorite decade, from the 60’s to the 90’s.

Magical History Tour
If you are on the Magical History Tour roster, you are required to go.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Come out for the fourth movie of the series to celebrate the newest Harry Potter movie coming to theaters this summer.

AGS Idol
Who will be the next AGS Idol?   Come watch, listen, and vote.  See which contestants will make it to next week!