Student Outreach Services

Extended Network

To Parents


Whether your student is a first-year freshman or a senior about to graduate, SOS is here to assist him or her through the college journey. Issues, problems, and concerns happen throughout life. Quick, easy resolutions are not always available to them without knowledge or experience.

Sometimes, it is just a question that has arisen in which there is no obvious answer. Other times, it might be a special need or a fear to disclose something personal, such as an unseen  disability. And then there are always those students who need to talk things through with a neutral party to resolve an issue. SOS listens and makes sure that the student connects with the appropriate people, resources, and services for resolution. SOS was created to help students clarify issues and gain the skills to take self-responsibility; in other words, SOS is here to help those who want, or need, to overcome life challenges.

SOS uses a universal, campus-wide collaborative process, which can and does extend beyond its physical boundaries. In fact, we appreciate and welcome parent communication and collaboration since parents are an integral part of their students' college experience.

As with everything else regarding our student population, Hendrix College strives to address “unto the whole person.” SOS is just one supportive department serving your student.


Student First Year/Transition Year
First Generation Parents
Resources for Incoming Students
Healthy Relationships
Homesick Young Adults

To Faculty and Staff

Student Outreach Services is here in a supportive role to assist faculty and staff as well as students with the goal of maximizing the Hendrix experience for all. SOS is available to provide assistance to you or your department in a variety of non-academic categories upon request.

As you work with or mentor students, you naturally pick up what could be considered topics of concern or issues from students who may have encountered challenges beyond what would normally be expected in college life. If you have a feeling that something isn't quite right in a student's world, the odds are you are correct. Using the referral link below, please send notification to SOS regarding that student and we will immediately start the problem-solving process.

To Alumni

Student Outreach Services would like to thank Hendrix alumni for their continued support in making SOS programs possible. Without them, SOAR, ORO, RISE, and other programs/services offered by SOS would not be as rich as they are today.

To the Community

Student Outreach Services also thanks the Conway community and other friends of SOS for their assistance with several programs like Saturday night meals, personal care needs, and clothing drives. Anyone interested in supporting SOS can contact us for more information.