Academic Affairs

Curricular Proposals for Council on Academic Policy Nov 3 2011

Program Proposals
Asian Studies–additions of new courses and deletionof courses
Film Studies–addition of new courses and deletion of courses
Gender Studies–addition of new courses and deletion of courses

Proposals for New Programs
New Minor: Study of the Mind
New Minor: Medical Humanities

Proposed Maymester Courses
MUSI 205 Introduction to Asian Music and Dance
CLAS 255 Medical Etymology
PSYC 180 Illusions and the Brain

Courses proposed for elimination
 HIST 373 The Ghost of Karl Marx
HIST 305 Law and Society in Late imperial China
HIST 303 Shanghai: The City in Late and Modern China
HIST 180 History in Two Keys: Theatre and Film in Modern China
POLI 353 Conflict Resolution and Management
POLI 371 Latin America
POLI 372 China and East Asia
POLI 373 Palestine, Israel, and the Middle East

Proposals from Humanities
LBST 250 C.S. Lewis Life and Work-make a permanent course
ASIA 100 Survey of Asian Cultures and Ethnicities-make a permanent course
TART 275 The Art of Stage and Properties Management- new permanent course
TART 295 CAD: Computer Assisted Design-make a permanent course
ENGC 390 Creative Writing: Special Topics-new permanent course
ENGC 490 Advanced Creative Writing: Special Topics-will add to Catalog copy the prerequisites of ENGC 303, ENGC 304, ENGC 301
ENGF 370 Film History-addition of a new permanent course
ENGL 256 The Consent of the Governed: Nineteenth Century American Literature-new course title

ENGL 258 American War Literature-change in Catalog copy
ENGL 249 Literature and/as Illness-new permanent course
ENGL 263 Rebels, Realists, and the Rise of the Novel in the United States-new pernament course
ENGL 343 Sexuality and Sex in Early American Literature-new permanent course
ENGL 463 The American Nineteenth Century: Great Books Then and Now
LATI 395 The Vulgate-new permanent course
SPAN 335 Latin American Poetry-change to an existing course to eliminate overlap with existing course SPAN 330 Latin American Literature
SPAN 390 Studies in Popular Hispanic Culture-new permanent course
PHIL 295 to become PHIL 302
PHIL 300 to become PHIL 306
RELI 238 Tibetan Buddhismto replace RELI 338 Tuibetan Buddhist Culture